MANUFACTURERS OF Perfection Ice Cream White Rose Butter "TWIN PRODUCTS OF aT” 642-644-646 NORTHRUP AVE KANSAS City, Ci. S.A. April 19, 1940 Pe. Fe Gs: Allon Kansas University Lawrence, Kansas My Dear Dr. Allen: I wish to thank you for your usual courtesy and kindness in agreeing to give our boys a talk Saturday, May 4. I think this meeting will be at the Phillips Hotel but will advise you definitely later. Your audience will be about thirty of our key men. We are attempting to build in them a Gompany complex, the idea of team work in business, that the American Dairies has a distinct personality, and that they are important clogs in the whole machine; and by their appearance, activities, ideas etc., contribute to and in fact make the personality. I have heard you in the past weaving the team work and ideas of athletics and athletic contests into tie business structure and it was a talk alone this line that we hope you will see fit to give us. Our company as a whole is part of the American Dairies, which consists of about eleven plants in Kansas, Missouri and Oklahoma. During the years of mergeritus, some of us not having a taste for national merger conceived the idea of this local merger. If there is any other information that we can give you that you might desire will be glad to furnish it, if possible. With very kindest regards, I am. Very truly yours, a es EH. DeCoursey JHDC: wp