THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE fas Lo~ “ Aheaee 4 f- Pete Shas __<_ [hat ~ atlraclsvs ane Coote Shicl, Clamser iT oe fun Ch 61 SF ad paskeus. dure. KWatc2ed a aa 6 Bch she. at Sen = SS Cars umteF . Aion Th. Gost — te bf dee, af, poo) Pian t. Yn —— co P22 oppraceh 3. Ait, gots a). Cs). DAovwe —— Jamumry 3, 1940. Dre and Mrse We We Davis, Lawrence, Kansase Dear Friends: You good people left tow: before it was possible to deliver our Christmas greeting to youe ' Knowing of no home in Lawrence, Fansas, that has nore hospitelit, in it to the square inch than the Davis's, I am sending along a guest register for your convenience and recollectionse Someone has wisecracked that we have just hed the “dirty thirties", with the “fet forties", wo hope, | caning up. (Of course, we are speaking in a vein financially and not adiposically.) I trust for you and yours a very happy and pros= perous New Yea® of 1940, Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, FCAsAH | Varsity Basketball Coaches THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE DEPARTMENT OF HISTORY October 12, 1939 Dr. Forest C. Allen Robinson Gymnasium University of Kansas Dear Doc: Thank you for your letter#of October 7 relative to the skiing situation and enclosing a letter from Mr. Haynes. I am returning the Haynes letter enclosed. I appresiate more than I can tell your thoughtful interest in me. With best wishes I am Faithfully yours, C4) -CO- DH W. W. Davis Octeber 23,5 1939. Professor 4. We Invis, Department of History, University of Kansas. Dear Priend W. Wer per your for his sihelarships fer few Se ww, institution. The only requirement that the boy was expected to follow was that he would visit his mother twice a year, namely on Easter and at Christmas. Rockne laconically stated, "This gives me 160 picked football players besides whet the fethers and brothers of the Catholic faith send in to mee This group of 160 boys is re- served by South Bend, so they are admitted if their scholastic atteaiments meet the institution's standards." Rockne told me that Conrad He Mann, of Kansas City, was the big Catholic in this area and that Dr. De Me Nigro, the 2 Satie oe Ge ee Oe » & Notre Dene alumus, is the man who selects the four boys in | OPChe =2= bie il i i e i i and spending orgies that was too much for read. He told me @ good many things about the systen repeated to anyone, but would tell you moree It is ‘82 as with Pitt, only they pay a little more because Pitt had the reputation and Carnegie Tech to build ones ead fF | i 8 bye ie i ry Stuhldreher, the athletic director bas io"s ‘etesedeies Boe have been made for the University holarship to each select athlete paid by the state. Therefore, Stanford mainteins that the alumi must raise the tuition money for the students. But Stanford raises : $245 a quarter, and the scholarship carries rom, board and pending money, Hank Luisetti sold me a "Buckster" and I subseribed to get the information. All that is. printed on the four pages of the monthly “Buckster" is information regarding football, basketball, ee saan bhatt saci. cider colinggnertenmeenr: 1 | : Ball. enter, the athletic divecter, ten wit ‘per nei man who does a better job of getting the athletes than the traveling representatives of U.S.C. It is alleged that they use receipts directly taken in at football games to subsidize athletes. : up their ace and heer Sach $10,000 fron the athletic fumd end. @harged it to advertising. hey used this $10,000 to hire football, basketball and baseball players at toqyno: morrthe That is the price at Kentucky. le wie games with the institutions that are doing the proselytings _ I have no words of oritieism for Major Griffith, but John Tunis says that Criftith ie the Mfert fake tint he has over cone across in athletics. He said: tent the Mager is hived to sit. an the fi Monte Merkel was hired by this assistant athletic dir= ector and was in this institution for one senester. Monte told me a good many things regarding this assistant athletic director, end if the I | + I am not discussing the Ivy League « Yale, Princeton a “It has long been inown that the wealthy — alumni subsidize wenetdealty all of the Ivy League's athletes. So I eee eee involve us at alle , ia ihabte tena’ What ti UA ehireinety: vhin: dibieali Wares years for Yale, played against our Kansas team here in 1920 on the © Washburn tears as tall soak Somer esa Atte pare tn be vue re iy £ Bae ie ale HEE 1: te E then when thelr eliginilities were over they 5 to Pitt. ie vt Ten ‘dewiARens vemaiey Gut Aine Resth, tn Yabo bo mortiil a few years ago was publicized quite extensively. He was the son of a poor laborer who picked up seraps of paper and refuse by angling it with a stick with a nail attached to it. He got $125.00 a month by playing football at Yale and many of the national magazines segs athage Inegllneag’ heen omell Tae ok Gen oe nee ee that play on the Ivy League tsems who got this amount of money. It has long been a known fact that the wealthy men at these three institutions see iractically all the athletes through. Oklahoma. « nih eaeie Daeiilin We Citenty: ames ot the County Sonstiges Keteotatien conveiticn sud Innehoons After I Se ee en ee eee Oe ey oe his wife and daughter, where Milton is employed by the Stanolind 0i1 Corporation, which is the producing oompany for Standard. ‘Sunday J played golf with Milton and two of the Standard executives theres lre | Kern, who is the production man for Stanolind, and the rest of our group were discussing Big Six football. When Oklahoma was mentioned he told me the mame of a fellow down in Oldahoma, the president or a big exeoutive of a large oi] company there who said that he had gone ai Mame ities ae eins ais abe to UeBaGe to get this Olklaham boy who is starring now. for VsS.0oy back to Oklahoma. He said, “I have offered this guy everything I could think of except my private plane. i em going back and offer Sion thank and Gin if wh ain"s gos him wed tuke the wenhes” ‘The ‘boy is now at U.S.C. A chap who is now starring for Oklahoma was out but failed or samething happened and Oklahoma got him backs But the real star at U.S.C. is the Okiahana boy. Oklahoma is now in few years of Dena Bible's an theres ard I had @ young man in my home Frank Watkins, . broker in Kansas Citys Me tohd us Men’ they were having « defini tely organized aysten at Missourie Every alumus in Kansas City and over the state had been asked to give according to his ability to pay. Wetkins, a recent graduate, is giving $5.00 and he menti@ned men in Kansas City giving up to §500 9 piece. ‘There are no tic to the major sports at Missouri, but they are stressing football es- re This statement was prior to the Ohio State game, and Wetkins re en ee Sees Sea See Cee ly oe ten points. ety Bs Ht S ie 5: 5 HE § + * oe see tar unee Ghar Ted \acihan tus fete Gane deal ne oe 5 operated. Of course, a lot of the stuff is done through fraternities done at other institutions in our enviroment. Since that is ee Bachman'’s going Wes Fry has come in and Wes Fry played under Howard Jones at the University of lowe when Iown beat Yale and other eastern conference champions. When Charlie was Howard Jones's assistant in scouting football, he coached the basketball and baseball teams Sam Barry was known as one of the keenest and best in the business, You perhaps remember a few years ago when Major Griffith investigated a young man named lverett Case at Anderson, Indiana, high wehool who it was agreed for a certain price and consideration, was to turn athletes to Sam Barry for a consider= ation and for encouragement in getting a master’s degree for this high sehool coach. This was while Sem Barry was at lowa. dmasake aia ‘When, Howard Jones want So Usls0s ae head footbed) pach, Sam Barry followed him to U.S.C. two years later. fverett— Case enrolled in U.S.C. to take his advanced academic work and Selanne ties Tee*s Detene dente After taking some work at U.sSsC. Everett Case returned to Indiana as high school coach, Nine of Sam Barry's eleven men on last year's U.S.C. team were from Indiana around the enviroment of Case. | rt ss When Wes Fry needed a line coach he hired Stan Williemson, who played under Howard Jones and Parry at U.5.C. can see that Te Puy, Sten Wilienses ond dock Gardner are ai) | pupils of Howard Jones and Sem Barry. If Iowa and U.S.C. operated successfully in an athletic way, you can perhaps figure out that Kansas State will not go to sleep when it comes to using some of the legitimte means in getting gcod boys to Manhattane lowe States Perhaps the least proselyting is going on in that institution, but George Veenker, the athletic director, coached at Gary, Indiana, and the Se is ie ee Pica Ge cae Shane carartek th on hak ik oe ature manner Notre Dane is now supported athletically. , With such a resume you are wondering if there are any schools anywhere that are not using some form of oy ony & Frankly, I can sey from personal experience that there has been less done here then most any place that I lmow of. ¢ ioush tote “833. ghee yes | the cednccelian Taek yan Distnis. , With all good wishes, I am Very sincerely yours, | Director of Physical Education and Recreation, FCAsAH —— Basketball Coache wie Final sce ti st aine ago to I wild not ; detailss that sagen ! essa iia I ia hi Lt é iu E é Bee st Ets 5 rg! ii FL of Yisconsin to give a legial RE and bovis ‘There iv a edlJaborating camittoo to tale enre of the ee aes It i “Ty understanding have sa: UeSele at Sovkwley ¢ Ue Ce at los Angelos have the studente' feos 4 oa ME, saat D @ motte ae ego the University of Kentucky a” ihdty 3of HH vag meal i eee Hs, i i bs, 2d by ac ois ig ii 3° i “ | i at io i a i i i il —D niight mention thet is rad stoma, aoe susiehaa, beh ine bain gina on tr pee tor top athlebos, but I understand on good authority thie is for the three sports at “ebrackn. Of course, Dean Thaapsen thine sbout it. Tha practice reaghet #te peak the leat ety He t $ 3 i b é i n dotietoly iwanaheen ne nt Menorle Bvery alumus “tty end over the atate had been asked to clive aosording to to pay, “htiimn, © recat cradunte, is giving 05.00 mkt i ase Coty tos 60 9000 pleoes chore : be? oles iv o +t AL OTer gt neve EY the alumus nales the tudor uparto ob lcsourl, tut they exe stressing foottall es= ooentins “hig otetenext wae prior to the Ohie State game, and ‘eticins was betting that “Mecourl would beat Ohie State by seven to ten pointes “You oan imgine the repercussions that are going on down et itissourd at ee | | Fomsas Agcio hen Chaxtes Tolman we at Konsas wo tad oro shar. od Lupten, end Teas: Terwell vn that group - Qpermteds [ta that is done ot other inetitutions in ow enviromsnt. | sane aseen's cain Yo Pry Jaa om inant Yo Pe ae H F te i B i Hath a Lon Pinvtes reviews tie ened poetetyting fe going ak eres. er rene omens toe Geerent Senne | euchet at Guy, Tz Ostober 31, 19396 Mrs Dudley Doolittle, ee ee Cellege of Rnporia, Eaporia, Kansas A Deay President Doolittle: | I acknowledge with gratitude your letter of Osteber SOth in regard to the Couneil of Church Colleges* opinion of the strenuous nature of the basketball rulese Vay I say that your organizetion is not alone in that belief. I em this day camwnmicating the Comeil's resolution to each member of the Rules Committee of the United States and Canada so they my put this along with ahd protests on their agenda for very definite consider~ GBULOM headin Soc Gee yu athens i wes Sincerely yours, WAH | Chaixmman, Fifth District, NCA. PSE ERO a Se MD, UR te e RES En eae THE COLLEGE OF EMPORIA EMPORIA, KANSAS DEGREES OFFERED PRESIDENT'S OFFICE BACHELOR OF ARTS October 50, 1939 BACHELOR OF MUSIC EDUCATION BACHELOR OF MUSIC Dr. Forrest C. Allen Chairman of the Rules Committee on Basketball University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Mr. Chairman: As secretary of the Council of Church Colleges and by direction of said Council at its meeting held a few days ago at Bethel College, Newton, I am communicating to you the resolution adopted by the Council concerning Basketball rules. Here it is: "It was the formal opinion of the Council that Basketball rules be amended in order that the game may be slowed down somewhat. A feeling was expressed that the game as played under the pre- sent rules constitutes a menace to the health of the players. President Mossman, at his re- quest, was recorded as voting against this re- solution. The Secretary was directed to send a copy of the resolution to Chairman of the rules committee on basketball, Dr. Forrest Allen." With expressions of esteem, I am Cordially, DD:GGW Secretary Novenber S_ 1599 Mite Bruce Drala, University of Oldlahana, Dear Bruce: Before you will receive this letter you will have already set sail for lineolm end Columbia, but I have a vague recollection of a little visit thet you, Chuck onde end I Wed in Ckengs winwe you while 0 wager Of & reel red, red, inflaming necktie, to the effect that the Senta Fe Radilyay did not rm into Tulsa. | Sinee it was such a burning discussion for the nonent, I camot forget that red necktie. I am wonder~ ing if you have forgotten its Bruee, I vant a real red With ell good wishes, I an Director of smelent, Mieaaitam ood Meee, PCAsAH . —y oe oe January 30, 1940. lire Bruce Drake, Rasketball Coach, University of Oklahoma, Norman, Oldlehantie Dear Bruce: Congratulations on your wonderful vietory over the Tigers last nights : I thought you did especially well at Lincoln to take care of those giant Iluskers, but when you mowed them dom a la Charlie MoeCarthy at Columbia, I say the laurels belong to the kid coach who coaches the Boy Scatters - those little fellows, you knots Well, it looks like you and Me Henry Iba are going to battle it out for the right to represent the Fifth District in the .CAeAs championship go, and if you two do win your respective chenpionship flights, then the game at Oldahoma City should really take on a battle of some significances This letter is just merely to congratulate you on doing a splendid jobe Of course, we are going to give you 4 fight, but I am afraid before March Sth the chanpionship will have been settled. With all good wishes, I an Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, PCAs AIT Varsity Basketball Coache February 12, 1940. Mee Bruce Drake, — Basketball Coach, University of Oklahoma, Norman, Olklahontie Deas Bruce: Thank you for your good letter regarding that red, red flaming red neckties Doggoneg Won't that be somethings If I get it before March Sth, darned if I don't wear it dow there and get burned upd 7 tion, and i haven't changed my idea one iota. However, we are going te give you the best wetve got, but I realize that you hit Gardner when his team was crippled, and it looks as if they will us at Manhattan and Lincoln, as well as Anes, 5 e 4 : ae p : j With all good wishes, I am Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, FOAsAH Varsity Basketball Coach. Che University of Oklahoma Norman, Oklahoma Feb. 4, 1940 PHYSICAL EDUCATION FOR MEN * Dr. Forrest C. Allen Basketball Ceach University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen:- Ne I haven't fergetten the red necktie but te be real frank I had until yeu predded me about it. And since Hyatt worked our Kansas State game Friday nite he also confirmed your belief that I had lost it fairly and squarly se I might as well start leokine for one of these fire sales and get yeu a good $2.00. I tee am fond of red neckties se I think I can do right by you on my choice selection. Thanks fer the kind letter of congratulations but after the way you treated me at Lawrence makes me even shudder te even think of what might be at stake March 8th. I appreciate these roses even right in the middle of the season but you knew as well as I de that your ball club is right in there 100% and are in a goed spot. I'll grant yeu that we knowked Missouri in at Celumbia and felt xkak at the time was a strategic Bhew for us but I alse knew that anything can happen in Basketbell and I'm not even thinking in berms of the games in March but playing the immediate game that confronts us now, Nebraska. The story that came out of Norman (Special) with the Canery feathers remarks concerning your remarks about the smooth Oklahoma Team out ef Kansas City was deped up somewhat by our cerrespendant. Gardner's team played a whale of a ball game here in Nerman and deserves a. lot of credit with the material he has this year. I'm afraid they won't be in very good shape fer Missouri Menday nite for Seelye, Rebertson and Reid received slight injuried in ovr Bame here Friday mite. Be on the lookout for a bex and goed luck te you in all but one of your remaining AMOS Si eo: P. Se. My steno. is out on Sunday-any mistakes were purely accidentisal. 1942—-THE SEMICENTENNIAL CELEBRATION OF THE UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA—1942 Meroh 6, 1940. Loma for the it is to | i bid + aT HA ela i ng it i 8s i é aH it i if i at vi at ih Ctl it er im in play vent Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Varsity Basketball Coache | iy yh Che University of Oklahoma Norman, Oklahoma PHYSICAL EDUCATION FOR MEN March 4, 1940 Dre Forrest C. Allen Basketball Coach University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allens: Congratulations on your fine victory over Missouri. That was one game, "Believe It or Not", that Oklahoma was pulling for you 100%. We were enroute to Ames Friday night and heard your game rebroadcasted over WREN and had we not known the final score before hearing the broadcast, I am sure that my boys and I too would have been worn out before that final gune At our last Big Six meeting, you and I agreed to give the quarter game a trial in our two games to be played this seasone Due to the fact that so much kimges on this ome game I would like to play this as we have played the rest of our games, in the regulation halves. I know that Carroll and O'Sullivan have not officiated in more than one or two games played in quarters this year and I know that both of us are already satisfied that playing the game in quarters would not only give the boys two extra time-outs but would also add interest from the spectator stand point. If it is agreeable with you let's keep this game regulation twenty minute halves as we have in our last eight Conference games. a yours, Bruce Drake Basketball Coach BDsds 1942—-THE SEMICENTENNIAL CELEBRATION OF THE UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA—1942 : # t, ratte i ib bi iy | ‘i ite I [ Df Ht ore a | i a wae Mt ae i i Od s j ql a Che University of Oklahoma Norman, Oklahoma PHYSICAL EDUCATION FOR MEN Dr. Forrest C. Allen Basketball Coach University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen:- I have just returned from Colorado and found your letter concerning our date at Lawrence. If you are sure that your crowd will be bigger on Friday nite I would much prefer playing it on Saturday nite for the sound drubbings you have handed me there would make it less embarrissing if we played it in the old gym at midnight. March the 7th. will be satisfactory” With the Sophmores I have coming I think I would be just as well off playing all my conference games during the Christmas holidays when the student body was at home. This would ease my headache and maby I could get back to Wormal by the time the regular playing season was over. I feel mean in not sending you an honest bet lost but at this mailing I'm sending you that flaming red tie. May you wear it with memories of the Santa Fe that does run thru Bartlesville. I know you are enjoying a pleasant summer with the thoughts of that Senior ball club coming up and I know you wil! drink less water next season than you have for some years. Sincerely, Fon) 1942—THE SEMICENTENNIAL CELEBRATION OF THE UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA—1942 on ge i we nu ee an is beige id a apy i fo Ti g ii : AB sagt ks ay ap ii if r i i t E i ! rigthi i fi i24 ut 5 AF Ht ut; me ee Li, ef. HH ue inne the tan He iy i vid | bulla FEE i ih a pat f “hE i iil MG 3 a3 cS. alate - feet it itil [stk at eat ls ae j into the same position as football by subsidizing the boys with board, Page Two room, tuition, fraternity initiation and dues, plus other stipulations that should be only whispered. Phi Delta Theta plus Oelly and Be, I am , Ofraid, are setting sone bad examples for the other brothers to shoot ate That is more money than the head of a house can earn making an honest livinge Now laugh that off, Bruces ae oe Sincerely yours, % : Director of Physical | miuoation and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach ee FOAtlg Che University of Oklahoma “Gee 2A Ohleho T INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS Dr. Forrest Ce Allen Director of Physical Ed. Varsity Basketbal Coach Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dre Allen:- I haven't heard from you since I paid off my two year debt. and thought no doubt that the neckwear wasen't red enoughe I also knew that Bob would like it if you diden't and I could send you a darker shade. I'm sorry that I missed you when you passed thru Normane I heard that you looked over the Norman courts. Have you ever seen anything quite so nice? (K. U. 46 <0. Ue. 26) Yes I guess you have on second thoughte I have just received from Fred Medart Co. & picture of the new all steel backboard. I see no reason why we all can't start out with this new backboard this seasone The price of these are $36.00, goals not included. I would rather get this type all thru the conference than for each of us to take the different boards we now have end cut them downe Do you think it would be possible for us to all get lined up so that we could get them in right away? This would eliminate all the supports behind the baskets here at Norman for I plan to hang them from the beams and brace theme If competition gets any tougher I'm afraid the tentacles of aggression wo'''d have a hard time getting by the guardse We do not have a squadron of planes yet nor a home guard as strong as some or our competitors but with a little better orzanization in the Big Six I'm sure the directors would vote appropratkons to buy a plane and allow each school four weeks each summer to its use. I hope that you and your family are enjoying & pleasant summer. My sincere regards to your wife and sone Sincerely, Bruce Drake, Basketball Coach