Octeber 23,5 1939. Professor 4. We Invis, Department of History, University of Kansas. Dear Priend W. Wer per your for his sihelarships fer few Se ww, institution. The only requirement that the boy was expected to follow was that he would visit his mother twice a year, namely on Easter and at Christmas. Rockne laconically stated, "This gives me 160 picked football players besides whet the fethers and brothers of the Catholic faith send in to mee This group of 160 boys is re- served by South Bend, so they are admitted if their scholastic atteaiments meet the institution's standards." Rockne told me that Conrad He Mann, of Kansas City, was the big Catholic in this area and that Dr. De Me Nigro, the 2 Satie oe Ge ee Oe ยป & Notre Dene alumus, is the man who selects the four boys in | OPChe