abe to UeBaGe to get this Olklaham boy who is starring now. for VsS.0oy back to Oklahoma. He said, “I have offered this guy everything I could think of except my private plane. i em going back and offer Sion thank and Gin if wh ain"s gos him wed tuke the wenhes” ‘The ‘boy is now at U.S.C. A chap who is now starring for Oklahoma was out but failed or samething happened and Oklahoma got him backs But the real star at U.S.C. is the Okiahana boy. Oklahoma is now in few years of Dena Bible's an theres ard I had @ young man in my home Frank Watkins, . broker in Kansas Citys Me tohd us Men’ they were having « defini tely organized aysten at Missourie Every alumus in Kansas City and over the state had been asked to give according to his ability to pay. Wetkins, a recent graduate, is giving $5.00 and he menti@ned men in Kansas City giving up to §500 9 piece. ‘There are no tic to the major sports at Missouri, but they are stressing football es- re This statement was prior to the Ohio State game, and Wetkins re en ee Sees Sea See Cee ly oe ten points. ety Bs Ht S ie 5: 5 HE § + * oe see tar unee Ghar Ted \acihan tus fete Gane deal ne oe 5 operated. Of course, a lot of the stuff is done through fraternities done at other institutions in our enviroment. Since that is ee Bachman'’s going Wes Fry has come in and Wes Fry played under Howard Jones at the University of lowe when Iown beat Yale and other eastern conference champions. When Charlie was Howard Jones's assistant in scouting football, he coached the basketball and baseball teams Sam Barry was known as one of the keenest and best in the business, You perhaps remember a few years ago when Major Griffith investigated a young man named lverett Case at Anderson, Indiana, high wehool who it was agreed for a certain price and consideration, was to turn athletes to Sam Barry for a consider= ation and for encouragement in getting a master’s degree for this high sehool coach. This was while Sem Barry was at lowa. dmasake aia