‘When, Howard Jones want So Usls0s ae head footbed) pach, Sam Barry followed him to U.S.C. two years later. fverett— Case enrolled in U.S.C. to take his advanced academic work and Selanne ties Tee*s Detene dente After taking some work at U.sSsC. Everett Case returned to Indiana as high school coach, Nine of Sam Barry's eleven men on last year's U.S.C. team were from Indiana around the enviroment of Case. | rt ss When Wes Fry needed a line coach he hired Stan Williemson, who played under Howard Jones and Parry at U.5.C. can see that Te Puy, Sten Wilienses ond dock Gardner are ai) | pupils of Howard Jones and Sem Barry. If Iowa and U.S.C. operated successfully in an athletic way, you can perhaps figure out that Kansas State will not go to sleep when it comes to using some of the legitimte means in getting gcod boys to Manhattane lowe States Perhaps the least proselyting is going on in that institution, but George Veenker, the athletic director, coached at Gary, Indiana, and the Se is ie ee Pica Ge cae Shane carartek th on hak ik oe ature manner Notre Dane is now supported athletically. , With such a resume you are wondering if there are any schools anywhere that are not using some form of oy ony & Frankly, I can sey from personal experience that there has been less done here then most any place that I lmow of. ¢ ioush tote “833. ghee yes | the cednccelian Taek yan Distnis. , With all good wishes, I am Very sincerely yours, | Director of Physical Education and Recreation, FCAsAH —— Basketball Coache wie Final sce ti st aine