January 30, 1940. lire Bruce Drake, Rasketball Coach, University of Oklahoma, Norman, Oldlehantie Dear Bruce: Congratulations on your wonderful vietory over the Tigers last nights : I thought you did especially well at Lincoln to take care of those giant Iluskers, but when you mowed them dom a la Charlie MoeCarthy at Columbia, I say the laurels belong to the kid coach who coaches the Boy Scatters - those little fellows, you knots Well, it looks like you and Me Henry Iba are going to battle it out for the right to represent the Fifth District in the .CAeAs championship go, and if you two do win your respective chenpionship flights, then the game at Oldahoma City should really take on a battle of some significances This letter is just merely to congratulate you on doing a splendid jobe Of course, we are going to give you 4 fight, but I am afraid before March Sth the chanpionship will have been settled. With all good wishes, I an Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, PCAs AIT Varsity Basketball Coache