Che University of Oklahoma Norman, Oklahoma Feb. 4, 1940 PHYSICAL EDUCATION FOR MEN * Dr. Forrest C. Allen Basketball Ceach University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen:- Ne I haven't fergetten the red necktie but te be real frank I had until yeu predded me about it. And since Hyatt worked our Kansas State game Friday nite he also confirmed your belief that I had lost it fairly and squarly se I might as well start leokine for one of these fire sales and get yeu a good $2.00. I tee am fond of red neckties se I think I can do right by you on my choice selection. Thanks fer the kind letter of congratulations but after the way you treated me at Lawrence makes me even shudder te even think of what might be at stake March 8th. I appreciate these roses even right in the middle of the season but you knew as well as I de that your ball club is right in there 100% and are in a goed spot. I'll grant yeu that we knowked Missouri in at Celumbia and felt xkak at the time was a strategic Bhew for us but I alse knew that anything can happen in Basketbell and I'm not even thinking in berms of the games in March but playing the immediate game that confronts us now, Nebraska. The story that came out of Norman (Special) with the Canery feathers remarks concerning your remarks about the smooth Oklahoma Team out ef Kansas City was deped up somewhat by our cerrespendant. Gardner's team played a whale of a ball game here in Nerman and deserves a. lot of credit with the material he has this year. I'm afraid they won't be in very good shape fer Missouri Menday nite for Seelye, Rebertson and Reid received slight injuried in ovr Bame here Friday mite. Be on the lookout for a bex and goed luck te you in all but one of your remaining AMOS Si eo: P. Se. My steno. is out on Sunday-any mistakes were purely accidentisal. 1942—-THE SEMICENTENNIAL CELEBRATION OF THE UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA—1942