Che University of Oklahoma “Gee 2A Ohleho T INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS Dr. Forrest Ce Allen Director of Physical Ed. Varsity Basketbal Coach Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dre Allen:- I haven't heard from you since I paid off my two year debt. and thought no doubt that the neckwear wasen't red enoughe I also knew that Bob would like it if you diden't and I could send you a darker shade. I'm sorry that I missed you when you passed thru Normane I heard that you looked over the Norman courts. Have you ever seen anything quite so nice? (K. U. 46 <0. Ue. 26) Yes I guess you have on second thoughte I have just received from Fred Medart Co. & picture of the new all steel backboard. I see no reason why we all can't start out with this new backboard this seasone The price of these are $36.00, goals not included. I would rather get this type all thru the conference than for each of us to take the different boards we now have end cut them downe Do you think it would be possible for us to all get lined up so that we could get them in right away? This would eliminate all the supports behind the baskets here at Norman for I plan to hang them from the beams and brace theme If competition gets any tougher I'm afraid the tentacles of aggression wo'''d have a hard time getting by the guardse We do not have a squadron of planes yet nor a home guard as strong as some or our competitors but with a little better orzanization in the Big Six I'm sure the directors would vote appropratkons to buy a plane and allow each school four weeks each summer to its use. I hope that you and your family are enjoying & pleasant summer. My sincere regards to your wife and sone Sincerely, Bruce Drake, Basketball Coach