LIFE « SURE®F BONDS CASUALTY + ALU RISKED HERB DANA = INSURANCE COUNSELOR AUTOMOBILE: 4 sa-PIRG DEPENDABLE COMPANIES CENTRAL BANK BUILDING. OAKLAND . CALIFORNIA DEPENDABLE SERVICE ® * March 27, 19359 Dr.Forrest C.Allen Director of Athletics University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Phog: I understand you will be in San Francisco for the annual Physical Education and Recreation Conference April 4rd to 6th. I would mpreciate it if you would take a few minutes off during the convention and look over a Drying Hangar for Football and Baseball ecuipment which Mr. Lamar, the inventor, and I will be exhibiting in Booth No. 56 in the Auditorium. I personally think it is a fine device, o— with splendid sanitary usefulness as well as a real ecuipment saver, and I would like to get your opinion on it. Kindest personal regards. Sincerely, A HERB DANA. HD/ms