ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION (INCORPORATED) Oklahoma Agricultural and Mechanical College _ STILLWATER, OKLAHOMA 218 Lincoln St. January 10, 1939 Dr. Forrest C. Allen ead Dir. Physical Education a Varsity Basket Ball Coach i University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Doc; Received your letter and carbon copyneft your letterito Brutus. I certainly appreciate having such a fine letter written in my behalf. From your letter to Brutus, I take it that you want me to write him soon, so I will write him sometime this wekk. % Ste ms @ I was wondering this evening . . if Glenn Cunningham would be abke to enlighten us any 56 —y "on the Yale situation or @muld refer us to some person ¢,» .,*., e,Who has influence in the Athletic Department at Yale. eo @ “Glenn will be back east several times this spring, I fn a am sure, and he might have a chance to putin a Coe nat ce : good word for me. SW, Seca an TR he: Baa i am ys i ai aN ate Bronce Spex ante b: I was indeed sorry to hear : that your team lost to Sklahoma last Saturday. I still feel that you will take them into camp on your own court. We were very fortunate to win our last two games over Grinnell and St. Louis in the closing minutes of the games. Tomorrow night we play Tulsa and Friday night Drake comes here. We certainly havesbig week ahead of us, because the other teams of the Missouri Valley — point for A. & M. just like the teams of the Big Six point for K. U. With kindest regafs to you, I am Very sincerely, ae, 3 a _ Elwyn Neal Dees Pe te 4. gk Oe. AR angen i a | 2 Stillwater, Okla.