September 27, 1938. Journalism Bldge, University of Kansase Dear tire Dill: I just wanted to remind you that we should like a feature story in the Kansan some time soon on the decoration of the swimaing pool, and also on the grading of the imtremural fields I gave some of this to Jim Bell but as yet have seen nothing in the Kansans 2 os The work on the intremral field is drawing to e close, and I thought-it would be well to have sone accurete mention of this project in the Kansane Incidentally, you might be interested in the fact that I have had an inmuiry about the book, “Better Basket= ball" from J.NeB. Singh, Palace Sakti, India.’ It looks a like the royalty in a foreign country are basketballemindede Also, it might be of interest to you to lmow that the athletic director of the Mississippi School for the Deaf, at Jackson, Misse, has recently purchased a copy of the booke Very sincerely yours, Dlrector of Physical ducation, Varsity Basketball Coache day is not util Saturday, at least, te in to Sel 2 | 4 | of the fact that maybe the gasoline is With appreciation, I an and DARTMOUTH COLLEGE ATHLETIC COUNCIL HANOVER: NEW HAMPSHIRE October 3, 1938 lire Forrest Ce. Allen Director of Physical Education Varsity Basketball Coach University of Kansas Lawerence, Kansas Dear Mr. Allens: Yours of September 27 has been received and before I go any farther I want to sincerely thank you both on behalf of Mr. McCarter, our Direct- or of Athletics, and Coach Cowles as well extend my own appreciation for your thoughtful consideration of our needse This unsolicited offer of aid is real hospitality and being from the South I really appreciate it. At present our plans for this trip have only begun to take form, and while we are lookingfor a place to stop over and practice en route, it is too early, pending railroad routes, occommodations and whatnot, to map out a definite itinerary at this time. However, I assure you that it will be my pleasure to keep your kind offer in mind when I do definitely decide upon an itinerary. Thanking you again for your very very kind offer, I am Sincerely yours, Llagd Yodan Lloyd Noland Jr. LN/RIM , Migr. of Basketball october 4, 19386 a Measxine and Sherryl Dees, 218 Lincoln Avenue, Stillvter, Cklahomte Deer Family Friends Dees : The fact, Elwyn, that you wrote on Septenber 12 looks very mich like we did not appreciate your kind epistle. Nothing could be further fr the truth boomice T enjoyed 3% very, VERY tithe s T passed on the word to lree Allen regerding your ind Anvitetion, but I am not sure that she will be able to get awaye Howe @ver, she wishes to thank you very much, and maybe the fever will lure her if Bob has good luck and makes the squads I mean the eterting — squad, of coursee This is very doubtful in my mind because Bob is. young and has a lot to learn to steady him dows He is very eager and will make a dandy boy some day, but I am afraid that lack of experience may cause his mother thothink ‘ the basketball coach is not giving him all the breeks. An@ too, Bob is carrying 17 hours, 6 hours of which are chemistry with a lot of labs So I have a notion that he is not going to be in as good physical shape as some of the boys who spend a lot of time just pleying baske ee oe | 1B ih ial os : $i] { ii. | Heth isd by GU Mie at ast) SU LL i : bats flee od) a sis] fal sf: $23 28% - ae 345 ages sisgy . sity 3p Cj Had HU Bas iy ai; Sash Bef 2 ni ai fy ayils Asby pu Pie bitag pute fe ie ike tine iH 4 3309 Hy i rH tiaai i of, 3 te 3 af 3 4 ae edy%es 1 3 tia seyi stil (252 Fe Se UP $a9§ We a By: tery tt gegald petang gi23 ied ate afed ep Lal ad pe i vat rik i his Hy ant Ht Bis.. fage AF leet 3 fan sy ii qafa 333 G33 $523) ac ee ee nik i oe on the second sheet. ou perhaps will not recall it, but : » six words that + I am going to repeat will perhaps be elucidation : 1 for you to lmow whet you seid previouslys The six words ares will have to show me"s Now, guess. the rest of the puzzle, mistere f i With all good wishes to you and your good family, I am Very sincerely your's, | Director of Physical Education, FCA sATT Varsity Basketball Coache — ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION (INCORPORATED) Oklahoma Agricultural and Mechanical College STILLWATER, OKLAHOMA 218 Lincoln Ave Tuesday, Sept. leth Dear Dr. Allen, We are very sorry not to have written sooner, but you know how busy a person is trying to get settled in a new job and a new home at the same time. However we are getting pretty well straightened out now.As you know I was in Oklahoma City for two weeks in August helping Coach Cox with the All Star game. Coach Cox hadthe boys from northern Oklahoma and Tom Stidham from the southern part. The game turned out very successfully with a victory for us by a score of 20-0 (You know how I like to beat that 0.U. bunch). The stadium at Capitol Hill High School was filled to capacity with sometkiage over 7000 people attending.The Oklahoma High School Athetic Association cleared at least $1500 on the game. I am very well pleased with my job here, have a very nice staff to work with. They really appreciate the value of a trainer around their boys. As you know, the facilities for a training room around an old gymnasium are quite inadequaté but nevertheless I have been able to take care of the boys in good shape so far. Old injuries from years previous that were not taken care of are causing me the most difficulty at the present time., such as bad knees and old Charley horses. It will certainly be a pleasure when the new field house is finished and I can step into a well equipped training room. Football practice started last Saturday and scrimmaged th first day, but the boys were out being conditioned under my supervision from the first of September. Our first game will be here September 17th with Central Teachers of Oklahoma. We have a very nice squad out, numbering about fifty boys. The boys seem to be very appreciative for my working with them. If we don't meet up with too many injury casualties we mhould have a fair year considering our tough schedule. As you probably know we meet Arkansas we xt week and Baylor the Week following that. You asked me inguire about hotel facilites in Stillwater. Doc, I don't care about recommending any of the hotels here because they aren't very good. The Grand Hotel seems to be the best. The price they quoted to me was $1.00 per man per night and have only doublé beds in their hotel. I will drop in at the other two hotels in the near future and get their prices. ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION (INCORPORATED) Oklahoma Agricultural and Mechanical College STILLWATER, OKLAHOMA Our new field house, or rather 4H building, is certainly going to be a fine one when it is finished. Everyone here thinks that the 9000 seats will be filled when you and your Jayhawker team invade our campus. I have been noticing in the Daily Oklahoman that Mr. Lindsay is expecting to have a wonderful football team this year. He will have to show me. I have often wondered who they finally decided to put in my place. When I left, Bean though he hadthe job sewed up and Mr. Hutchins told me that Tiny was expecting to work there this fall. Well I hope whoever got the job will be successful. The family (Sherryl) is getting along fine and at 7 weeks tipped the scalés at 11 lbs. 2 ox. (Must be taking after her Pa) Of course to our prejudiced eyes she gets cuter every day. Will probably grow up to talk with a southern accent if we are in this part of the country very long. Give our regards to Mrs. Allen and your family and best wishes for your coming season. Sincerely yours, : vy Mali ~ } wo) «E26 Fulton New Yori: City, N.Y. Dear Mr. Doyle? : adn tei pee eek ob Sean 01. Ob tte regerding Ghitey Budrmas who was mewtioned as : froa Lithuania where he was athletic director of the Univ : ersity of Kansas.e do have a state ever there with a name similar wnibt emo se rane nae Cordially yours, Girector of Physical Edueation, Back From European Job. Whitey Budrunas, former basket- ball star at Marquette, has returned | from Lithuania, where he was ath- letie director of the on of | Kansas { THIS SIDE OF CARD IS FOR ADDRESS ) My-dear Dr Allen — ‘So that's where the UnyW¥ersity of Kansas is situated? John Doyle GRAND CANYON LINE THE INDIAN-DETOURS The Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company PASSENGER DEPARTMENT GLENN EDDIE, General Passenger Agent ————_—_—_— F, L. STURGES, Asst. General Passenger Agent ebb oe Passenger Agent Topeka, Kansas, October 17th, 19 38 e In Reply Please Mention File X-1 2-6. subject: Dartmouth College Basketball Teams Dr. F. C. Allen, Dir.of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coach, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kans 4&4 S&. Dear Dr. Allens Yours of September 26th to me and copy of your letter same date to Mr. T.V. Noland, Manager Dartmouth College Basketball Team, have just come to my personal attention, and regret to note that acknowledgment of receipt thereof has not been made, for which please accept | my apology. Your spirit of cooperation in this and other matters, I assure you, is thoroughly appreciated. With personal regards, Sincerely yours, DECKER MANUFACTURING Co. MANUFACTURERS OF HARDWARE A? ELECTRIC SPECIALTIES KEOKUK, IOWA. Oct. 22, 1938 Mr. BPorrest ©. Allen, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Bear Sit: I recently purchased a copy of your book “Better Basket Ball" and consider it the most up to date sand best of information one is able. to secure on the subject of basket ball, and your apoligizes certailnly would not be in order as the book seems to be perfect and all subjects admirably covered. We are manufacturers of our ALL-AMERICAN Scoreboards and in order that you may know something about them we are enclosing folders. In ease you are further interested will be glad to hear from you. | Sincerely yours, CA~v CRD NH DECKER MANUFACTURING CO. aa CHARLES R.DECKER Pres.- Treas. DELOS L.DECKER Vice Pres- Sec'y. 7 Thenk you, also, for sending the folders on the Alle/imerican Scoreboards. I am giad to mow something about therie : Vory sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Conch. November 25, 19538. Hach Thursday evening from 6 to 6:15 for the past two years i have been conducting a broadeast on “Physical Hdueation for Health". iI am passing on to you the last three or four of used Dre Naismith and Glem a mmber of times, but I went your angle to see if we are missing anything. The Allens often talk of you, and we are sorry that we ac da ee ee ee With all good wishes, I an Fraternally yours, : Director of Physical Education, Ags Varsity Basketball Coach. | Ee : 5 ote | til : ny | ea dg 1 o ‘ He | weg Ibi i i le il pb i sil (hat Hi ; E *English History = 5 hrse = F a Zoology - 5 hrse = F “Prof. Crawford says that he has not reported for conference although he has been = = ‘to do so- many Siete Dave is aia a 2 hours | of Baghish : in addition to the above 10 hourse | : a ae 2 Novenber 23, 1938. Mate Bruce Drake, _ Coach of Basketball, University of Oldahoma, Norman, Oklahoma. The University of Kansas is to play Texas at Austin on December 16 and 17, and Southern Methodist Univ~ ersity on the 19th and 20the On our way beck from Imllas we would like to stop at Norman and work out on your court either on the 2lst or 22nd of December. Our plans may change so that will be impossible, Se ee es ee the court if we can make definite I thought I would write you early so that you would have time to plane When are your boys leaving for their Christmas vacation? Of course I will see you in Kansas City on December | 2nd when our coaches meet on interpretations. I am sending you one of our newsletters which gives our set up for a clinic game here on Decesber 5. We would be glad to have you stop by to witness our outfit in action, and also to take in our clinic Same. ; With all good wishes, I an Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, FCAsAH . Varsity Basketball Coach. December 2, 1938. Director of Physical Education, ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION (INCORPORATED) Oklahoma Agricultural and Mechanical College “0 STILLWATER, OKLAHOMA a Jf November 29, 1938 Dr. Forrest C. Allen Physical Education Détrector University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Doc; a Due to the fact that I have scarcely been able~to call my’time my own during the past several weeks, my correspondence has beenssadly neglected and it is with regret that I have not answered your very welcome letter much sooner. There is very little that I can mention: about our past season here in football, excppt that — it has been plenty tough on me. You know that a losing football team always results in a great number of inguries. Sometimes it kept me going nearly day and night t6 have the boys ready for the next game, but 1 believe: that my work so far has proved very satisfactory. Here is hoping that we have a | better seasnan in basket ball and not so many injuries. You have probably read in the papers that Ted Cox, head football caach here, has resigned. Coach Cox is a very fine man to work with and for that resson it is with regret that I see him leave. I only hope that the succeeed- ing coach is as fine to work with as Mr. Cox. Upon further inquiry as to the hotel facilities here, I find that the Going Hotel would not make me any prices and would not promise to make reservations ahead of time. I am sure that thevohly hotel you would care to use for your players is the Grand Hotel. The other one, Stillwater Hotel, is not even a second rate hotel and the facilites are terrible. As I said before, the Grand Hotel will accomodate théipiayerscfor a dollare a head. While ig is not the best in the world, it gets most of the tmurist trade and I am sure is the only one you would care to use, I have tried to follow the Kansas Football team as closely as possible this year, and it is quite clear in my mind that they could also use a new varsity football coach. It seems to me that they should have won more ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION (INCORPORATED) Oklahoma Agricultural and Mechanical College STILLWATER, OKLAHOMA games with the great material thet he had despite the great number of injuries. I am very sorry to hear that Miller received a knee injury which I hear may keep him out of part of the basket ball season. I hope that this report is erroneous. After you fought the battle to get him at K.U. it is a shame that he has received a football injury before you had the chences to show what hiscbasket ball achievement could be. My wife and family are getting along fine and we want you to come out an have a visit with us while you are here for your games so that we can hashover the events that have occurred since our golfing this past summer. Maxine says to tell Mrs. Allen “ee she had better decide she owes herself the trip down here; would te most happy to have her visit us. , oo fo Will be seeing you in a little over a week. Very sincerely yours, END: MD I apoligize for the typing, think it must be working of the typewriter, not that of its operator. THE DENVER CHEMICAL MFG. CoO. 163 VARIGK ST. NEW YORK,N. Y. Dec. 2, 1938. Mr. F. C. Allen, Basketball Coach University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Sir: Last year we issued for the first time the Antiphlogistine "All Sports" Calendar which was distributed, free of charge, to a limited number of Coaches, Athletic Directors and Trainers throughout the country. The many responses commending us for our efforts in publishing a calendar of real interest, has prompted us to have printed a new edition for 1939. If you received a calendar last year and were pleased with it we invite you to write for the new calendar which will be mailed during December. We urge you to act promptly in returning the enclosed card as requests will be filled in the order they are received and only while the supply lasts. With kindest regards, we are Very truly yours, THE DENVER CHEMICAL MFG. CO. FAB: EM Medical Department. CABLE ADDRESS'‘ANTIPHLO”™ LABORATORIES; LONDON- PARIS- BERLIN -BARCELONA- BUENOS AIRES-SYDNEY-MONTREAL- MEXICO CITY- FLORENCE- RIO DEJANEIRO-TOKYO- PRAGUE- BRUSSELS- CRACOW é i e a - . eae NATIONAL BROADCASTING COMPANY, INC. _ RCA BUILDING - RADIO CITY ey NEW YORK,N. WY Dec. 1,1938 Dr. F. C. Allen, Director of Physical Education, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Dr. Allen: Thank you for your kind letter and for the radio script which a enclosed. I will discuss the idea contained in your letter with Dr. Franklin Dunham, and will write to you as soon as he returns on December 5th. ; It seems to me that some of the big milling companies in the middle west would be only too glad to have you and some of your famous men on a regular weekly broadcast. | I will go into more details after discussing this with Sincerely, L. Blevins .. Dr. Dunham. lire Potor Dolbee, 10821 Canmard Ave, Vest Los Mmgeles, Calif. Dear Peters Shenk you for the very fine letter which you sent me recently. I enjoyed 1t Imonsely, end an glad thet interestinge | 1 on sanding a2 of this on to your good grant fether, as I mow he will be wory happy to hear fran yous it will be like a Christus grosting to hims With the best of the Yuletide greoti.ngs, ond all good wishes for your success, Tan Director of . ol Education, Varsity . Coaghe Jvenuery Gg 1959. Ure Eluyn Deas. tion, Okiahom Ae and i. Scllege, Stillwmeter, Olddeham. . Dear Elwyn: I am enclosing copy of my letter to Hrutus Hamilton. I am always glad to be of any service to . you, end shall be hepa to follow up when I hear from Tt was a pleasure tc talk with you the other Mth best wishes, I am Sincerely yours, Director of Physic&l Riuoation, Varsity Baakethall Conchs BLEVINS DAVIS = 117 W. 58th Ste, Hotel Sevillie, New York City, N.Ye or o/o Nationel Broadcasting Cos, RCA Building, New York City, NeYe (Address =~ Personal)