DECKER MANUFACTURING Co. MANUFACTURERS OF HARDWARE A? ELECTRIC SPECIALTIES KEOKUK, IOWA. Oct. 22, 1938 Mr. BPorrest ©. Allen, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Bear Sit: I recently purchased a copy of your book “Better Basket Ball" and consider it the most up to date sand best of information one is able. to secure on the subject of basket ball, and your apoligizes certailnly would not be in order as the book seems to be perfect and all subjects admirably covered. We are manufacturers of our ALL-AMERICAN Scoreboards and in order that you may know something about them we are enclosing folders. In ease you are further interested will be glad to hear from you. | Sincerely yours, CA~v CRD NH DECKER MANUFACTURING CO. aa CHARLES R.DECKER Pres.- Treas. DELOS L.DECKER Vice Pres- Sec'y.