PAUL ENDACOTT August 1, 1938. ASSISTANT TO THE PRESIDENT E-222-28 Dr. F. C. Allen, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Doe: Saturday morning when I replied to your letter regarding George Darrow, I did not realize that I would be writing to you again so soon. However, just this afternoon George came to my office to see me. He said that he had been in Lawrence Saturday but did not locate you at that time. I had been advised by our Engineering Department here that he was already enroute to Judkins, Texas, but the facts are that he is now on his way there. George tells me thet he has definitely decided to go to K. U. and is very much enthused about it. I made him acquainted with several of the K. U. people here, par- ticularly with Fred Pralle, who just started work today. He seems to be a very likely looking boy. I advised him as to the procedure he should follow to preserve any senior- ity rights he has with the Company. PE:G