EVERYTHING FOR THE WELL-DRESSED MAN ° ° ° TELEPHONE 7-8773 PARKS i286 WMA OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLAHOMA March 26, 1938 Mr e F e G A lien % Univer ‘Sity of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas 5 I received your le ever of March 23 and ATS] A Tv ¢ « > fr. TY) ~ was pleased to hear from you. 2 ao J ne aAa 1+ 1 ¥ I have all the confidence in the world in my ability as a basketball player an believe a trial is all that is. neeessa ry 4 C J. ates a for me to show this. My grades at 0. U. were as follows: English G Government D English c Football A Spanish C Golf B Spanish ¢ Psychology F some of these gt ot as goo a they should hehe to give my stuc I was working a dressing tools Parks Clothiers of the Missouri Valley A.A.U. League offered me = fc* on their » . KR 4 ay cr o 7 7 4 ~] team which 1 could not accept & it would interfere with my position.