LATE SDeRINSLEY CONTINUED This offensive play aprlies on the opposite side of the fléor as welle By swinging on the offensive, Larned would draw their oponents out of position. Illustrate: Resner dribble< tec much; evading ono man he should passe Never attempt to dribble past: two mon especially if they are staggered. Nicolet injured. Tinsley has the ball. They oll time out because he is injured. It tas the duty of the captain to call time cut. Holland also gained possession of the ball and passed it. He should have asked the captain to call time out because if the opponents had gotten possession of the ball, Kinsley sould ‘wot have called time out wutil they got possession of tho ball again. foo many long one handed shots from a distance rather then driving it in part of the way and pivoting, and then passing back to team mate who shoots under relaxed conditions. Illustrate: eCime dribbled half the lexugth of the court and instead of swinging to the side and leying it in, he drove almost straight toward the basket thereby making @ difficult attempt rather than @ very casy ond. larned started to swing, then quit the swing. De not pring enough-and pivot off. Tllustrate swings To many long one handed shots. This is symptometic of the inability of the playors to work the ball closer into scoring area for good shotse Hai? Kinsley into @ sone defense. larned playing nice defensive rebound. The observation 4a made that the players hit the basket are those who shoot without too much preimec preparation, in other words, shooting reflexively rather than conoontrating too much * on their shot. Those individuels who concontrete teo much generally make 8 poor attempt of hitting the goal, while those whe shoot-in an easy position as if passing to a player are the shots that are more gqzcrelly gocde. ‘hy is it not just as easy .. to pass te the basket as it is to pass to a player? This thought should be used more ~ in developing baske’ shooting. : Dodge City~ Garden City Scott of Garden fakes the ball te much with his hands ond arms and then moves his feet on an illegal starting of the dribble. Players should fake with their head and shoulders and let their arms and hands be free to PASSe Dodge City hooking the bali in to a man “Brom tho opposite side of the poe the players coming to get the hock passe ‘Yory goo offense play. 4