Wichita, Kansas August 2, 1937 Forrest C. Allen, Director of Physical Ed. Kansas University Lawrence, Kansas Dear Phogg: Have sent my high school credits to the Registrar and find it will be necessary to take an examination in some one subject to be eligible for entrance there, which I am planning on doing. I realize just how busy you are, but thought if you knew of some kind of a job that would help me some you could keep me in mind anyway as I want to start school this fall. Am afraid with another raise I wont be so willing to give up my job so I really believe this is the best time to start. Wonttyou please try and help me. I have written to Manhattan and could get in there with $ eredit more but Dad wants me at Lawrence and so do I, that I am making every effort possible to go there. Thanking you for your time, and hdping you can help me, I am, truly rs, a tig ribeye orks Progress Administration Wichita, Kansas