Mre Walter Ye Burden, Severance, TansaSe tgar Mrs Burdens Hires Allon gave mo your notation aslding thet 1 ee ee oe eae ten Gs aan May 19, at saat schools at maga, fnsns, to speak at their comencencut om May 19. heed. 3 oe toe bealdlins May 23, ene es a would be glad to deliver the camendement address at Troy, — 4f this is agreeable to yous On May 20 and 21 I go te cinstity Wetendin, to be present at the Big Bix cocohes: meeting wherein wo make our soluedules for the noxt years If you could have your sommencenent the 24th of course IT would be happy to come to Severance on that date. You write me and Ict me imow what your desires ares I am leaving Tuesday for the Central District Physical Educ~ etion meeting at Mimmeapolis on Merch 30, 31, April 1, 2, tian 3 ge te Cxleage te be yronent et the National Basle ball Coaches meeting the Srd and 4th of April, and on the ‘Sth and Gth the Netional Rules Body necting. i em a mauber. the Rules Body so I will not return te Lawrence util April 7the However, you can write me here at this office, and Mres Hulteen, my secretary, will mail mse your letter and I will reply to your commmication at once.s.