November 1, 1937, Dr, 0, W, Davidson, Huron building, Kansas Ste, Eeesn, Dear Dr. Davy: it was nice of You to write mo, Urs, Allen and I just wanted to say “hello” and have a little visit with you, I was on my way over to In- dependence, Missouri, to speak at a pep rally at the high school, ani since this was the first time since the be ng of achool that I have been away from my desk I thought I would take time off to say "hello" to you, I want you to know that i sincerely appreciate your many acts of friendliness and good will that you have shown,and I wanted to present ny self in the flesh to ict you know thet I dia appreciate those things, , The hatching of en egg will always re- main a eetys but there are some fellows who can explain it better than others, I will bet you are one of those fellows, "ith every good wish, I_am Very sincerely yours, FCAsAH | Director of Physical Education.