O.W. DAVIDSON,M.D. HURON BUILDING KANSAS CITY, KANSAS Detober 29, 1937 Dr. Forrest C. Allen, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Phog: I am sorry that I was out of town yesterday. TI had to make a trip to Topeka and Manhatten, therefore did not learn of your visit until this morning. I hope that you will stop in again soon if you happen this way, and I will certeinly try to find you anytime I get to Lawrence. You may have heard the old adage that the way to get a chicken was to hatch the egg, not break it. All I can tell you now is that the egg is about to hatch, and I don't think it will be a bantam either. Sincerely yours, 4 «a O. W. Davidson, M.D.