a | Date Feof-/O4¥?* _, , | ‘Kansas vVSe CA hete-p' Team EB 2 Lk - Pe O 7 Ze 36 4. Be 8. 9. 10. 12. FIRST HALF Recovery of ball off own backboard °° ¥f/ $3 fs 2h #% C Recovers ball off opponents backboard “/ ¥ a #8 SP ¥? “SP 7 Fouling opponent with ball ¥P 3 ¢ Pay oY PYESB Es FE Fouling opponent without ball 373 | Vieletion 5-2 33.493 332.°0) she 7f 53 55 Offensive personal fouls Blocking opponents shot Intercepting opponent's dribble Intercepting opponent's pass $) 43" ~ i. Recovers Jump ball “ff yx” #4 Wild pass to opponent 353 23. Wild pass out of bounds ee ae (Eas tet ous Ceo BD ee ee ae SS ee men mm ee ee aes ow ou AEE ee ee BE SE - emo le Se 4e 5e 6 8. 9 10. ll. 12. SECOND HALF Recovery of ball off own backboard ¢ p gs” Recovers ball off opponents backboard 5 7 aa F a 54 4g FS feds “Sf Fouling opponent with ball 32943 a 7c Fouling opponent without ball Violation }Piy oy 45° 53H 7 283F Offensive personal fouls | Blocking opponents shot Intercepting opponent's dribble Intercepting opponent's pass 3 we rail Recovers Jump ball #2” “#3” Wild pass to opponont_4s"y x 5.5 93 Wild pass out of bounds ¥§