ge eee f : ES dled mth. hea lype ote” oe ok a oe i. lek oar oH : ‘ 7 ti — 9 * @ ‘ Se £ 2 “ ee —— emp of 4 ge ioe: Ate gy gato oe 2 : x ; ve (att a . (_fi em Cee aad Nea PHSYBICAL EDUCATION COURSE 60¢ ASKETBALL '. (For. men) | ASSIGHVENT Vo OFFICIALS AND OFFICIATING ASSIGNMENT: My Basketball sible, ppe 142-146 Spaiding's Official Basketballs Gaide for the current year. <—~ QUESTIONS : ‘Te What are some os the requisites ef a good official? 2, what cen you say of the coach's duty to the referee? 3. Fite up a playing contract fer two teama. Designate guarantee, the time of agreement upon officials, the agreement on eligibility, the atarting time of the game, and state the rules under which the teams shall play, and atate any other necessary details that would make — @ bona fide agraement between two schools. = 8 = Diagram e reguletion basketball court, showing the dimensions of the playing court, the free area necessary around the court, the heighth ef the basket from the fleor, the distance of the basket from the baeck-board, the size ef the basket (diameter, in inehes), the free throw eircies ang lanes, and the size of the center circle. © State size and weight of ball. is there an official ball by @ trade name required for the geme? If so whatv = © State in deteil wha. is required ef @ Bubatitute before he goes on ‘the court to enter play. Give in detail what is required of each officer of the gam? ‘n thie situation. - ‘two players of the same team have ths same numbers on their jerseys. Thies fact is pot discovered until after the game atarts. what should ‘be the ralling of the referee when objection by the opponents is maie to him about these numbers? Note: There was mo deception involved. two sets of uniforms were in use and the same numbers came from the aéifferent sete ordered in different years. The offending team claimed ‘that this was merely an aceident, = Player of team A, in a fit ef coughing, leaves the playing floor te expectorate. the captain of team 5, makes objection te this move to the referee and insista on a foul being called on team A, under the rules. What desiaion should be made in this case? Give reasom . Between the halvea of a game the referee is accosted by the coach af one of the competing teams and is openly insulted by being accused of Geliberately trying to favor the opponents, what could be done by the referee in this situation? ~~ - | | oe PHYSTOAL BDUCA. LON ASSIGNMENT Vo: wee 10, Ina game where both a referee and an umpire were working, the - Unpize, ag he was working his side line, everheard the coach of one of the teama use abusive language about the referee and hig de> eisions te one of hia players. what right has the umpire ‘in such on the same player who was in the act ef trying for goal. vhe first member of the team charged into the oppenen’t whe hed the Ie three members of the same team committed fouls, Sinultaneously, bali; the second member struck the eppenent's arm in an endeavor to | get at the bell; the third man, coming after the ball, charged in ‘using unseeresgary roughness. Hew many free throwS should be awarg ea? peepee ce eo r a | or Teen 12. Dees the umpire have authority to cali an out-of-bounds play? 13. Shalt the referee, the umpirs, or the scorer notify the pleyer when ‘he hag made three personal fouls? Mhyr > 3 7. 14. A player of ream A juupa upon the shoulder ef one of hig teamates, 7 ‘The ball is quickly pessed to him in this position and he scores, What should be the referee's de¢ision in this case? — | . : PHYSICAL EDUCATIO} COURSE +G60c BASK&TBALL FOR MEN ASSIGNMENT IT Training, Conditioning, and Practicing. Lieutenant Rene Fonck, one of the most celebrated French éviators, says, "One must be in constant training: always fit." ASSIGNMENT : My Basketball Bible, pages 1 to 6; page 31; pp, 156.-173, References: Anatomy and Physiology, by Jesse Feiring Yilliams, ) Columbia University, N. Y. Personal Hygiene Applied, Jesse Feiring Williams. Columbia University, N. Y. : } Athletic Training, by Michael Cc, Murphy , Chas. Scribner's Sons. Indicate alweys in your lessons that you have covered the reading assignments, but feel free at all times to inject opinions gathered from other study or from your own experiences, being careful to include the mames of authorities read and their articles, QUESTTONS : l. Who usually acts as trainer to hign school teams? What should this man know about the p’ ysical care of his men? Answer this last Question in twa sweeping statements. 2. Why should a team have a team-physician?. What should his duties be? Especially at the beginning of the season? 5 Js thor> @ difference between training and -onditiohing? Ti so, what? © 4, Aside from cering for the physical wellbeing of his men the trainer has another duty to perform. This is @ responsibility for the mental well being of his players. Elaborate upon this Statement, "The trainer has a two-fold responsibility to perform." Discuss fully. 5. sDiscugss separetely the place of each of the following liquids in pee diet of the athlete. fa) Water (h) Milk fs) Cocoa fa) Coffee 1@) Tea. & iihat do you have to say about the use of tobacco among athletes? Do you or would you allow 8 msn who persistently breaks trainings during the playing season to continue on your team and to participate in the games? From your own observation of the effects of tebacceo upon the physical and mental reactions of your men what can you contribute to the discsssion of the use of tobacco amone athletes? PHYSICAL EDUCATION, COURSE 1 3ASKETBALL FOR MEN ASSIGNMENT II, page 2 7. Give at least one contribution on this Subject of tobacco and its effects upen growing boys from an outside authority of your own choice, State reference. Fmergon 6nd Betts, in their volume called Physiology and Hygiene, say the following, which is worth passing on as it comes from actual research: |. | "Boys who want to be athletes fand what boy doeshot?) will be interes’ i in an investigation made in six di?fferent colleges and uni- versities by Professor F. J. Pack to discover the relation of tobacco to success in football. "Professor Pack found that in these schools there were ninety- three smokers and one hundred seventeen non-smokers competing for pieces on the teams, Of the ninety-three amokers thirty-one, or thirty-three per cent procured places. Of the one hundred seventeen non-smokers, seventy-nine, or Sixty-seven per cent, secured places. fhe non-smokers therefore beat the smokers out two to oné. Professor Pack's conclusions are: (1) Only half as many smokers 4s non-smokers sare successful in football compvtition. (2) Smoking is accompanied by a loss of lung capacity amounting to about %én per cent. | 8 Elaborate, either pro or con, according to your own ideas aeveloped from observetion or from authority, which should be stated, upon this stxev.ement, "The use of tobacco among boys interferes with their mental work". 9- Do you delieve that definite Setting-up exercises aid in getting men into shépe for the season? If not, what would you substitute instead? If so, give directions for at least three such exercises. 10. Discuss staleness from the following outline: ‘ho is sometimes to blame Tor the staleness of a team? Why? How can a@ coach tell when aman ** getting stale? Whet does the eye show? The weight? Name some aids in the prevention of staleness, Give a diet for the cure of staleness. (Arrange this diet emactiy as you would fer your own men). In averting or relieving staleness what value do yOu place on "Contentment"? il. Give your ty fpical pre-game diet and state reasons for your arranzement of this particular menu. lz. Diseuss your ideas of practice sessions: At what time in the fall should practice begin? What disposition would you make of your foot- ball men who report for basketball prectice? Do you favor night or afternoon practices? Why? What should ve the length of a practice session? When shovld actual scrimmage begin? What part of your practice hour would you dewote to actual scrimmage? What part to fundamentals? DEG Professor Git tern Posoice! Department of Ae tio Dear Professor ULirtrn—_: Ses FO eae from af ee a5 applied for casminations wing courses for credit in the School of Courses Hours Grades ae al hat 2 Reason for examination for credit: - Information concerning course: nea A card is enclosed on which credit is to be reported, whe io Respectfully submitted, oe yo eps. Chairman, University Committee on Examinations Recommendations in regard to examinations for credit adopted by the College Faculty, January 16, 1934: —> "(4) (5) That the examinations be given by the Senate Committee on Fxaminations on questions furnished by the respective departments. That the examination questions, and examination paper after the latter has_ been graded by the department from which credit is requested, shall be turned over to the Seeete Committee on Reintaattoe and’ by that comnittee filed with the Advanced-Standing Committee of the Univ- ersity for permanent records." te ni ‘ a i i f ts i He i "let es fiat i Lt ti a ast hie fi Me il aii vig adie i jaf ae ay iH Ui! Uist it duly 15, 19840. will feile i: af af cy as ges By 5 a 8 g i Be int if duly 15, 1940. . University of Kansase Dear Miss Kenney: hing o-ipncdhapnemmants usr yiretaangamssi aero minds of sone of our students more initiative I am sending you a carbon copy of the letter tat I heve written Mire Schroeder, and I en returning herewith his jensenes with an explmiion of why I lave been « Little slowe Theniing you for calling my attention to the mtter, i om Very cordially yours, - Director of Thysien] Pauoation end Recreation,