PHYSTOAL BDUCA. LON ASSIGNMENT Vo: wee 10, Ina game where both a referee and an umpire were working, the - Unpize, ag he was working his side line, everheard the coach of one of the teama use abusive language about the referee and hig de> eisions te one of hia players. what right has the umpire ‘in such on the same player who was in the act ef trying for goal. vhe first member of the team charged into the oppenen’t whe hed the Ie three members of the same team committed fouls, Sinultaneously, bali; the second member struck the eppenent's arm in an endeavor to | get at the bell; the third man, coming after the ball, charged in ‘using unseeresgary roughness. Hew many free throwS should be awarg ea? peepee ce eo r a | or Teen 12. Dees the umpire have authority to cali an out-of-bounds play? 13. Shalt the referee, the umpirs, or the scorer notify the pleyer when ‘he hag made three personal fouls? Mhyr > 3 7. 14. A player of ream A juupa upon the shoulder ef one of hig teamates, 7 ‘The ball is quickly pessed to him in this position and he scores, What should be the referee's de¢ision in this case? — | . :