PHYSICAL EDUCATION COURSE 60-¢ BASKET BALL(For men). ASSIGN. IV., Page 2. 96 The elegibility rules invariebly state thet there shall be no discriminetion for er against the athlete. is there any discrimination against the athlete when he is foreed to carry more hours te be elegible to play than is required for any other student ef the school, te remain a member of the sivesat body. Blaborate and express your opinions on this sub ject. 10. Give your opinion on the possible benefits of electing an honor captain at the end of the season, or of electing @ team captain at the close of one season to serve his team fer the next year. PHYSICAL EDUCATION COURSE 60-6 BASKET BALL (For Men) ASSIGNMENT V. Chapter Vil. Moraleor Esprit de Corps. REFERENCE: setter Basket Ball incorporating Teéhnique, Tactics and Tales. le Define Morale or Esprit de Corps. 2. Give an example of such from your i: athletic experience. Se Is Esprit de Corps necessary to all winning organizations? How do you develop it, through fight always or through jesting and fun with relaxation? 4. Why is number 13 considered lucky or unlucky? 5. Do you believe in catering to the athlete's superstitions? 6. Describe a between-halves talk that you have always remem- bered and what results it brought from the team thet heard it. Ve Outline your proceedure of a pregame talk situation and how you would handle your own team before you send them on the floor. 8. Give your choice of the poem that you think would most fittingly grace the walls of your team's dressing room. WJ PHYSICAL EDUCATION GOURSE 60-c BASKEP BALL (For Men) ASSIGNMENT VI. Chapter VIII. Motivation. | REFERENCE: Better Basket Beall incorporating Technique, Tactics and Tales. Outline an ideal program using the mimetics of basket ball as the necessary motivation for teaching basic fundamentals to junior high school boys. De this in a 750 word treatise. WJ PHYSICAL EDUCATION COURSE 60-6 BASKET BALL (For Men) ASSIGNMENT VII. Cha pter IX. The Dribble, the Turn, The Stop and The Pivot. REFERENCE: Better Basket Ball incerporeting Technique, Tectics and Tales. 1. Describe the two types of dribble used by players and in- dicate when they are used. Be Describe the technique of dribbling. Se How should the dribbler draw the guard out of position? 4. Describe the alternate use of hands in dribbling for the best accomplishment. 5. How shoulda stops turns and pivots be taught to obtein the pest results? | 6. How can the dribbler protect the ball from an attacking guerd? "7, Wheat isa screen? What is o block? Give definition of each. 8. How far back from the dribbler should the trailer be? 9. Describe the position of the feet of a pivoting plmyer who executes his stops and turns correctly. 10. Where there is no set screening on a play and where two offensive men#are working the ball into the basket against one defensive man what style of offense should the two offensive men use? Wd PHYSICAL EDUCATION COURSE 60-c BASKET BALL (For Men) ASSIGNMENT VIII Chepters X and XI. Shots, Held Balls and Passes. REFERENCE: Better Basket Ball incorporating Technique, Tactics and Tales. | i. Define the theory of perfect offense. 2e What is a camera eye in basket ball? Se ‘Whet is a “poker-face* passer in basket ball? 4. Who was Blind Boone? Why are certain players called Blisdd Boone? 5. Describe the blind-fola test in basket shooting. 66 Describe the one-arm over-shoulder hook pass. 7, How should the offensive player alight after making en over- shoulder hook pass? 8. How does offensive player follow his advantage after completing an over-shoulder hook pass? 9, Describe the alternatives if the hook pesser is confronted with a near-invincible guard who happens to be too near to the hook passer. | 10. How do you make passes easy to handle? Amplify. 1l. Diagram the backboard for shooting practice and explain the different shooting zone areas. | 12. Diagrem the air paths for arch shots and explain the theory connected with this type of shot. 13. Explain the advantages of the push arch shot over the free throw shot as an offensive weapon. 14. ‘Explein the correct finger technique of shooting the push arch shot. PHYSICAL EDUCATION COURSE 60-¢ BASKET BALL (For Men) ASSIGNMENT VIII. | Page II. 15. Why is "follow through" so necessary on shooting the push arch shot? 16. Whet part do the thumbs play in a push arch shot? 17. Set out the faults of the player who incorrectly shoots @ push areh shot. 18. Explain the best method of developing the successful free throw in games. 19. Describe the technique of the one hand English shot. 20. Elaborate on the correct method of the forward recovering @ rebound off of the backboard. WJ PHYSICAL EDUCATION COURSE 60-¢ BASKET BALL (For men) Assignment IX. Chapter XI. Shots and Held Balls. REFERENCE: Better Basket Ball incorporating Technique, Tactics and Tales. 1. Explain one method how a forward recovers the ball after “held ball" and before referee declares held ball. Ze Elaborate upon a second method that the forward my choose to obtain a held ball frem his opponent. 3. Give the merits and aeassits of the pivot-post play as an offensive weapon in present day basket ball. 4. State your preference and give reasons why you prefer the one-hand or the two-hand pivot spin shot off of the post play. 5e Do you prefer the single pivot-post play at the side lane or the double pivot—-play in your offensive set-up? Give reasons. If you do not use either of these two offensive styles please state what style of play you think is superiorto the single or double pivot-post play and give reasons. 6. Write 200 words on your conception of the qualities of an excellent guard. 7. How should a guard conduct himself when he is outnumbered two to one and the opponents have posession of the ball under or near their own basket? Elaborate. 8. Explein how a successful guard breaks up the opponents dribble. 9. Explain fully the teehnique of jumping for the bail either at the center jump or the jump after held ball. PHYSICAL EDUCATION COURSE 60-c BaskeP ball Assign. IX., Page 2. 10. Give the correct technique of a successful guard just immediately prior to and immediately after his recovery of the ball off O€ his opponents offensive back board, WJ PHYSICAL EDUCATION |. COURSE 60-¢e BASKET BALL (For Men) ASSIGNMENT X. Chapter XIII,XIv and XV. The Evolution of the Offense. REFERENCE: Better Besket Ball incorporating Techhique, Tactics and Tales. le Give in your own words and not in the words of the text a 200 word discussion on the evolution of the offense. Ze Write 200 words on the legal term screening and loo wordé on blocking. ‘ Se Describe the three types of fundamental screen plays diagreaming an example of each type. 4. Name the nine principles of war and endeaver to reconcile the nine principles of war with nine perallel principles of basket ball. : : 5. Diagram 3 screen plays that are not in the text and ex- plain the movements of all fiwe of the offensive men. 6, Show your own method of working the ball down the court after your own guard has recovered the ball off of the back- board. Ve Diagram and explain the theory of the rolling offense when using three men in a practice drill. 8. Give three practice game drillcthat in your opinion are in- valuable for developing fundamentals. Elaborate on each game. 9. What benefit to a team is the Crow and Crane game. Tell when it should be used. 10. Describe the "Stick Em Keep Away" game and its outstanding benefits PHYSICAL EDUCATION ' COURSE 60-¢ Basket Ball AssigneX, Page 2 XI. Diagram one formal offensive practice drill incorporating in the drill most of the necessary fundamentals. Explain your theory in regard to the benefits derived. WJ PHYSICAL EDUCATION COURSES 60-¢ BASKET BALL | (For Men) ASSIGNMENT XI. Chapters XVI, XVII, X1X. Offensive Plays from Out of Bounds and At Center REFERENCE: Better Basket Ball incorporating Technique, tactics and Tales. le Explain the tip-off lanes and your system of signaling for @ playe Ze Explain what signals are necessary for out of bounds plays. Also give five out of bounds pleys that should provide scoring opportunities for the offense. Se Diagram two set offensive plays against a zone defense. Algo explain how and when the men move to txeir respective pésitions. 4. Ina four hundred word article explain the evolution of the defense. 5. Write a five hundred word article on the special defensive situations that a coach should drill his teams upon. PHYSICAL EDUCATION COURSE 60-¢ BASKET BALL (For Men) ASSIGNMENT XII. Chapter ok. The Stratified Transitional Man-for-ian Defense with the Zone Prin. REFERENCE: Better Basket Ball incorporating Technique, Tactics and Tales. Write one thousand words on the stratified transitional man-for-man defense with the zone principle, beginning with © two offensive men against one defensive man and build up until you have completed the entire set up of five offensive men against five defensive men. Wd PHYSICAL EDUCATION COURSE 60-¢ BSSKET BALL : _ (For Men) - | ASSIGNMENT XIII. Chapter XXI, XXII, XXIII and xXIv. tie Krateer and His Squipment. REFERENCE: Better basket Ball incorporating Technique, Tactics and Tales. . le Discuss thoroughly the trainers responsibility to his men and to the training room hygiene. This includes the care of the equipment rooms and all related paraphenalia. What necessary items would you include in your "War Bag" for emergency treatment and for the general care of the athlete? Ze Give a definition of a sprain, of 4 dislocation, of a fracture. Give the correct emergency treatment for a eevere sprain with @ suspected fracture present. Se What function does edhesive tape, when correctly applied, perform to muscles and ligaments, in cases of severe strain and sprains. Ss Set out certain dangers in applying adhesive tape. Use your own knowledge when answering this question. | 5. Deseribe the causes of stone bruise of the hes and the correct taping necessary to enable the athlete to play. WJ i, EDUCATION COURSE 60<¢ BASKET BALL ~ : : (¥or Men) ASSIGNMENT XIII. Chapter XXT, XXII, XXIII and XXIve The Aveiner and “is Maui pments REFERENCE; Better basket Boll incorporeting Technique, Tactics and Teles. le Discuss thoroughly the trainers responsibility to his men and to the training room hygienee This incdikdes the csre of the equipment rooms and ail related paraphenalia.s What necessary items would you include in your “Var Bag" for emergency treatment end for the general care of the athlete? Be Give a definition of a sprain, of a dislocation, of a fractures. Give the correct emergency treatment for a severe sprain with a suspected fracture presente Se iihat function does adhesive tape, when correctly applied, perform to muscles and ligements, in cases of severe strain and / sprainss — 4e Set out certain dengers in opplying adhesive tapes Use your own knowledge when answering this questions 5. Deseribe the causes of stone bruise of the hegl and the correct taping necessury to enable the athlete to plays Wd PHYSICAL EDUCATION COURSE 60-c BASKET BALL _ (For Men) ASSIGNMENT XIV. Chapter XVIII. Emergencies. REFERENCE: Better Basket Ball incorporating Technique, Tactics and Tales. l. Name some of the most commonly used and the most reliable antiseptics. Ze Wheat is the best method of eradicating small pimples and tiny so called boils? 3. When boils ave caused from other things than unsanitary athletic equipment what precautions should be followed? ee Write 500 words on the proper care of the Leet both previous _-and theraputess ~~ 5e State technique of stopping nose bleed. 6. What is nervous indigestion? 7. What is catarrah of the throat? How treated? 8. What is a good flu prevenative? 9 Give treatment for cold sores on lips. 10. Describe the so-called athletic heart. WJ PHYSICAL EDUCATION COURSE 60-c BASKET BALL | (For Men) ASSIGNMENT XV. 2, Offieials,e os ae ing. See Rule Book. REFERENCE; My—Beeket-Beil-—Bible. 7 : Spalding’ 8 Offic al aor Ball Guide for the current year. QUESTIONS: 1. What are some of the requisites of a good official? 2. What can you say of the coach's duty to the referee? Se Write up a playing contract for two teams. Designate guarantee, the time of agreement upon officials, the agreement on eligi- bility, the starting time of the game, and state the rules under which the teams shall play, and state any other necessery details thet would make a bona fide agreement between two schools. 4. Diagram a regulation basketball court, showing the dimensions of the playing court, the free area necessary around the court, the heighth of the basket from the floor, the distance of the basket from the back-board, the size of the basket (diameter in inches), the free throw circles and lanes, and the size of the center cir- Cle. | 5. state size and weight of ball. is there an official ball by 4 trade name required for the game? If so what? 6. State in detail what is required of a substitute before he goes on the court to enter play. Give in detail what is required of each officer of the game in this situation. 7.