i, EDUCATION COURSE 60<¢ BASKET BALL ~ : : (¥or Men) ASSIGNMENT XIII. Chapter XXT, XXII, XXIII and XXIve The Aveiner and “is Maui pments REFERENCE; Better basket Boll incorporeting Technique, Tactics and Teles. le Discuss thoroughly the trainers responsibility to his men and to the training room hygienee This incdikdes the csre of the equipment rooms and ail related paraphenalia.s What necessary items would you include in your “Var Bag" for emergency treatment end for the general care of the athlete? Be Give a definition of a sprain, of a dislocation, of a fractures. Give the correct emergency treatment for a severe sprain with a suspected fracture presente Se iihat function does adhesive tape, when correctly applied, perform to muscles and ligements, in cases of severe strain and / sprainss — 4e Set out certain dengers in opplying adhesive tapes Use your own knowledge when answering this questions 5. Deseribe the causes of stone bruise of the hegl and the correct taping necessury to enable the athlete to plays Wd