PHYSICAL EDUC..TION COURSE 60e¢ = BASKET BALL (For Men) 1937" ASSIGNUENT XIV. | Chapter XVIII. Emergencies. REFERENCE; Better Basket Ball incorporating Technique, Tactics and Tales. : es Le Name some of the most commonly used and the most reliable antiseptics. : ; : , Zo What is the best method of eradicating small pimples and tiny so called boils? Se When boils are caused from other things then unesnitary athletic equipment what precautions should be rollowed? : 4. Write 500 words on the proper care of the feet both previous and therapeniic. oe 3 5. State technique of stopping nose bleed. 6. . What is nervous indigestion? %o Wheat is caterrah of the throat? How treated? 8. Wheat is a good flu prevenative? 9, Give trestment Yor cold sores on lips. Describe the so-celled athietie heart.