PHYSICaL BDUCATION COURSE 604¢c, BaSkKST Babb ASSIGN XVe, Page 2 De Between halves of a game the teferese is accosted oy the | Goach of one of the competing teams and is openly insulted by being accused of deliborately trying to favor tae opponents. What could be done by the referee in this situation? In a game where both a referce ami an umpire were working, the umpire, as he was working his side line, overheard the coach of one of the teams use abusive language about the referee and his decision to one of his players, What right has the umpire in such a situation? | | Paree members of the same team committed fouls, simultaneously, on the same player who was in the act of trying for a goule . Phe first member of the team charged into the opponent who had the ball; the second member struck the opponent's arm in an end avor co eee at the ball; the third man, coming after the ball, charged in using unnecessary rouG%ness, Hot nany free throws should be awarded’? a ss | } Does the umpire have authority to call an out-of-bounds play? Shall the referee, the umpire, or the seorer notify the player when he has made three personal fouls? Why? . A player of team A jumps upon the shoulder of one of his team= matese The ball is quickly passed te him in this position and he SCOPES y Whet shoulda be the yereree’s decisicn in: this ease? eS ee ae aS ee NUR area