PHYSIC..L soUCsTLON COURSE = 60=-c BaSksT BaLL (For men) 1937 ASSIGNMCNT XVI Training, Conditioning and Practicing, REFURENCE: Better Basket Ball Chapter XXVIII QUESTIONS : a Who usually acts as trainer to high school teams? What should Be Se 4a Be 66 76 this san know about the physical care of his men? answer this last question in two sweeping statements, Why should a team have a team-physician? What should his duties be? ispecially at the beginning of the season? Is there a difference vetween training and conditioning? if s6, what? Aside from caring for the physical well being of his men the trainer has another duty to perform. This isa responsibility for the mental well being of his players. Llaborate upon this statement. “The trainer has a two-fold responsibility to perform’. Discuss fully. Discuss separately the place of euch of the following licuids in the diet of the athelete, (a) water (b) Milk (c) Cocoa {d) Coffee (e).Tea. what do you have to say about the use of tobacco among athietes? Do you or would you allow a man who persistently breaks traine ing during the playing seuson to continue on your tsum and to participate in the games? From your owm observation of the effect of tobacco upon the pvhysical and mental reaction of your men what can you contribute to the discussion of tne use of tobacco amons ethletes? Give at least one contri>ution on this subject @ tobacco and 4ts effects upon growing boys from an outside authority of your own choice. Stute reference, Emerson and Betts, in their volume called Physiology and Uygiene, say the following, which is worth passing, on as it comes from actual research: ‘Boys who want to be athletes (and what boy does not?) will be interested in an investigation made in six different colleges and universities by Brofessor F. J. Pack to discover the rela- tion of tobucco to success in football. |