THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS UNIVERSITY EXTENSION DIVISION DEPARTMENT OF EXTENSION TEACHING BUREAU OF CLASS INSTRUCTION BUREAU OF CORRESPONDENCE STUDY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WELFARE BUREAU OF GENERAL INFORMATION BUREAU OF SCHOOL SERVICE AND RESEARCH LAWRENCE LECTURE COURSE BUREAU BUREAU OF VISUAL INSTRUCTION November 15, 1937 Dr. F, C. Allen Prof. of Physical Education Campus Dear Dr. Allen: Recently we received from the State Board of Educa- tion, the 1937 Kansas School Laws. According to these new laws there are two elementary state certificates, one a 60 hour curric- ulum and one a 30 hour curriculum. Dr. P. B. Lawson advises thet he has conferred with Miss Louie Lesslie, Secretary of the State Board of Educetion, about the certificete requirements and has discussed the matter also with the Budget Committee. The general understanding is that the 30 hour certificate is a temporary thing and will be in force only a year or two and then withdrawn. The 60 hour certificate, however, is one that will no @ubt be a permanent certificate, and one toward which we should train our K.U. students or out of school students who are interested in taking additional work. In checking over the requirements of a 60 hour certifi- cate we find two courses: Health Education Playground Activities in which we are interested and for which you might be able to arrange correspondence study courses. We shall be glad to have you give the matter camsideration. The course offered in residence "30 Personal Health (M)" wowld seem to partly meet the requirements though it does not stress community health. Is the course "64 Person- al Hygiene (W)" equivalent to this other course, Number 30? If either one or both of these courses would lend themselves to correspondence study work we shall be more than happy to have them prepared. Has your new book in Basketball come from the press yet? As soom as it is avaiiable we shall be more then glad to type the whole course and have it available for you and for prospective students. oe Sincefely yo < Rk EC | Secretary, | Bureau of Correspondence Study