PSYSICAL RDUCsTION COURSE 60-¢ : BASKET BALL | . (Por Men) 1937 ASSIGNMENT IV. Chapter Vi. Selecting the Men. REFERENCE: Bester Basket ball incorporsting Technicve, Tactica and Teles. | 1. Discuss the merits and demerits of the good big man as compared to the good little man. ee ae Why do we heve~so many exceptionally tall men in the fame todey ef compared to ten years ago? iia ai seca am hit Present your arguments woy & ten foot basket 28 more preferable for College players than a tvelvé foot basket. State the reason for the present height of ee basket. | Deseribe the newly patented ten foot besket with light éevicese Whet area the advantages and disadvantages to both the pleyersS and Spectators as you observe them from your limited experience and observation? so Would you advise baskets of graduated heishts for grade, funtor high end high school boyse Whet additional theories would you advance for compensating height and age? How does a tuelve foot basket work ageinst a zone defense? What is the difference in the 1938 Basket Ball Rules as compared to-the offense and to the defense in regerd:to anterfering with the ball when it is on the rim or sbove the cylinder of the basket? — Yhe elegibility rules inveriably state that there shall bé no discrimination for or against the athiete? Is there any discrimination ageinst the athelete when he is forced S90 cerry more hours to be elegible to play than is required for. eny other student of the school, to remain @ member of the student body. Hlaborete and express your epinions on Shis. subject. : : a ; 10. Give your opinion on the possible benefits of electing an honor eaptein at the end of the season, or oi electing a team captain ay the close of cne season to serve his team for the next yeare : | THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS UNIVERSITY EXTENSION DIVISION CORRESPONDENCE STUDY DEPARTMENT PHYSICAL EDUCATION COURSE 60 ¢ BASKET BALL FOR MEN FINAL EXAMINATION PLEASE RETURN THESE QUESTIONS SO THAT YOUR PAPER MAY BE GRADED. le 29 3@ 4s de be Te Be 10. A substitute player goes on the floor and reports to the referee or umpire but not to the score keepers The game proceeds for two minutes without a score being mades In the next thirty seconds this player shoots a field goal» At this juncture, the opposing captain discovers that there was something irregular when this , player entered the games; What is the duty of the referee under the several possible situations? Elaborate. When two men of the same team have the same numbers on their jerseys what should the referee do if the opposing captain demands that a foul be called on one of these two men? If you think that the referee should call a foul how would you list it? What authority does the umpire have in a game of basketball? Is it necessary that mp a player be notified when he has made three personal fouls? Give the situations when it is necessary for the referee to decideZ in favor of (a) the smaller score, (b) the larger playing’ time, ’ These situations refer to disputes arising over scores and playing time. When may a member of either team call kkt= time out, legaliy? Define (a) legal dribble, (b) an illegal dribble, (c) illegel starting of the dribble, (d) legal starting of the eribhle, Give a model of a talk to your boys in the dressing room just before a game with your traditional opponents, You are the coach. Use the first person form of address and omit nothing that will enable your team to have the advantage of strategy, fundamentals, and inspirations Outline the coach's responsibilities to the team on a three-game trips Cover (a) the time that the team is traveling, (b) pre- game time, (c) game time, (ad) after-game periods and recreational as well as serious“business periods. Should team members be allowed to visit friends and relatives on trips? Why or why not? Give in detail your idea of what benefit the coach should derive in the way of compensation from his association with young men. State your ideas of what the coach's moral and intellectual equip= ment should be before he should assume the responsibilities of such a position. What should his attitude be toward the community, the XHHT faculty, the students, and the team? PHYSICAL EDUCATION COURSE 60~¢ BASKET BALL (For Men) 1937 ASSIGNUENT I. Chapters I, II, II. Preperations For the Season. REFERENCE: Better Bastet ball incorporating Technicue, Tactics and Tales. | In a short preliminary atatement, please State your age,’ height, weight, what experience you have fad 68 @ pleyer, , what experience you have had es a coach and what is your aim in taking this course. Please attach a amall picture of yourself to this assignment. In this assignment you have as your guide the authors idess. of the beginnings of the game, the raeserch — problems thet heave ceused rules changes and the chapter on officiating. In a ¥50 word paper discuss each chapter separately, pointing out the thinss that impress you the moat in the order of their importance. : LP PHYSICAL EDUCATION COURSE 60-—c BASKET BALL . (For Men) L957 ASSIGNMENT II. Chapt er IV. The Program and its Public. REFERENCE: Better basket Ball incorporating Technicue, Tactics | Ore Teice, | In a 500 word paper discuss the vital Subjects covered in Chapter IV stressing the more important subjects such as | ventileting and heating, lighting, goals and backboards. Also discuss the present trends to make the game more attractive to the spectetor both during game time and at half time periods. Suggest your best ideas for box office appeal. PHYSICAL EDUCATION COURSE 60~¢ BASKET BALL (For len) 1937 ASSIGNMENT III. Chapt er Vo. seasonal Preparations. REFERENCE; Better Beaket Ball incorporating Techni_ue, Tactics and Tales: io What in your opinion ia the most satisfactory schedule? 2 Do you think thet all-star and alleconference teams are good for the sport? Why? Zo Outiine the duties of the property mane 4. Give the deys order of setting up exercises that the coach Should employ to condition his squad. Se ODisouss an ideal dressing room lay out with ite hygienic environment emphasized. 6. Give your idees on the necessary foods vor the athelete in playing condition. 7e Discuss steleness, its causes and its possible eradication. 8 Outline practice periods for the fall, winter and spring and state the time that should be consumed for each. / PHYSICAL EDUCATION GOURSE 60-c BASKET BALL (For. Men) 1937 ASSIGNMENT IV. Chapter VI. Selecting the Men. REFERENCE: Better Basket ball incorporsting techntdun. Tactics and Tales. 1. Discuss the merits and demerits of the _ big man as compared ” the good little man. 2. Why do we ‘wire so many exceptionally tall men in the game today as compared to ten years ago? Se Present your arguments why a ten foot besket 18 more preferable for college players than a tvelve foot basket. 4. State the reason for the present height of the ten foot basket. 5e Describe the nesly patented ten foot basket with Light devices. What are the advantages and disadvantages to both the players and spectators as you observe them from your limited experience and observation? Woula you advise baskets of graduated heizhts for grade, | junior high and high school boys. Whet additional theories would you advance for compensating height and age? ‘ How does a twelve foot basket work aceinet & zone defense? What is the ditference in the 1938 Basket Ball Rules as compared to the offense and to the defense in regerd ito interfering with the ball when it is on the rim or above the cylinder of the basket? 9. The elegibility rules inveriably state that there shall’ be no discrimination for or against the athietez Is there any discrimination against the athelete when he is forced tO carry more hours to be elegible to play than is recuired for any other student of the school, to remain a member of the student body. eee and express your opinions on this subject. 10. Give your opinion on the possible benefits of ities an honor captain at the end of the season, or of electing a team captain at the close of one season to serve his team for the next yeare PAYSICAL EDUC..TION COURSE 60-c BASKET BALL . (For men) 1957 ASSIGNMENT V. Chapter VII. Morale or Esprit. de Corps. REFERENCE: Better Basket Ball incorporeting Technique, Tactics and Talese ‘1. Define Morale or Esprit de Corpse 2. Give an example of such from your own athletic experience. 3. Is Esprit de Corps necessary to all winning organizations? How do you develop it, through fight always or — jesting | and fun with relaxation? | 4. Why is number 13 considered lucky or unlucky? | 5e Do you believe in ce tering to the athieve's superstitions? 6.2 Describe @ betveenehelves telk that you have always remem- bered and vhat results it brought from the team that heard ite 7. Outline your procedure oF & pregame talk situation and how you would handle your own, bean before ven send them on the floor. Bo Give your choice of the peem that you think vould most fittingly grece the walls of your team? 8 dressins roome FHYSIC..L EDUCATION COURSE 60<¢ | BASKET BALL (For men) 1937 ASSIGNMENT VI Chapter VIII Motivation. REFERENCE: Better Basket Ball incorporating Technique, Tactics and Tales. : Outline an ideal program using the mimetics of basket ball a8 the necessary motivetion for teachine basic fundamentals to gunior high school boys. Do this in & 750 word treatise. ASSIGNUJENT VII Chapter IX. The Dribble, the Turn, The Stop and Phe Pivot. REPLRENCE: Better Basket Ball incorporating Technique, Tactics and Tales. | 1. Describe the two types of dribble usea by players and ine» dicate when they are used. | 2s Describe the techni ue of drivbling. Se Hor should the dribbler drar the guard out of position? 4. Describe the alternate ust of hends in dribbling for the best accomplishment. 5. How should stops turns snd pivots be teught to obtain the best results? Ge Hot. can the dribbler protect the ball from an attacking guard? 7o Whet is a screen? What is a block? Give devinition of each. 8- How fer beck trom the dribbler should the tradler be? ‘9e Describe the position of the fcet of a pivoting player who executes his stops and turns Correctlye : e Where there is no set &creening on a play and where tro oftensive men are working the ball into the basket against one defensive men what stile of offense Should the two offensive men use? PHYSICAL EDUCATION COURSE 60 ¢ BASKET BALL : (For ¥en) 1937 ASSIGNMENT VIII | Chapters. X and XI. Shots, Held Balls and Passes, REFERENCE; Better Basket Ball incorporating Technique, Tactics and Tales. 4. Define the theory of perfect offense, 2, What is a camera eye in basket ball? 3, What is a "pokereface" passer in basket ball? 4. Who was Blind Boone? Why are certain players called Blind Boone? 2° Deseribe the blind-fold test in basket shooting, 6, Describe the oné-arm overeshoulder hook ‘pass, 7. How should the offensive player alight after making an overshoulder hook pass? 8, How does offensive player follow his advantage after completing an overeshoulder hook pass? ?o Describe the alternatives if the hook passer is confronted with a near=-invincible guard who happens to be too near to the hook passer, 10, How do you make passes easy to handle? amplify. PHYSICAL EDUCATION COURSE 60=c BASKET BALL Ses i, 20 (For Men) 1937 ASSIGNMENT IX, Chapters X and XI, (Rites Diagraming the Backboard and Finger Technique. Diagram the backboard for Shooting practice and esplain the different shooting zone areas. Diagram the air paths for arch shots and explain the theory connected with this type of shot. Explain the advantages of the push arch shot over the free throw shot as an offensive weapon. Explain the correct finger technique of shooting the oush arch shot, . oe Why is "follow through" so necessary on shooting the push arch shot? | er What part do the thumbs play in a push arch shot? Set out the faults of the player who incorrectly shoots a push arch shot, | | Explain the best siethod of developing the successful free throw in games, Describe. the technique of the one hand English shot, Elaborate on the correct method of the forward recovering a rebound off the backbosrd, fo Le Zo 30 40 5o PHYSICAL EDUCATION COURSE 60-c BASKET BALL (Zor men) 1937 ASSIGNMENT " Chepter XI. Shots and Held Balise REFERENCE: Better Basket Ball incorporating Technique, Tectics and Tales. Explain ona method how a forward recovers the ball after "held ball" and before referee declares held dalle Elaborate upon a second method that the forward may choose to obtain a held ball from his opponent. Give the merits and demerits of the pivotepost play as an offensive weapon in present day besket ball. State your preference and give reasons why you prever the ¢he-hand or the twoehand pivot spin shot off of the post play. DO you prefor the single pivotepost plsy at the side lane or the double pivoteplay in your offensive Seteup? Give reasonse If you do not use either of these t 0 offensive styles please state what style of play you think is Superior to the Single or double pivotepost play and give reasons. Write 200 words on your conception of the qualities of an excellent guard. ae : How; Should a guard conduct himself when he is outnumbered two. to one and the opponents have possession of the b@all under or near their own basket? Elaborate. : Explein how a successful guard breake up the opponents dribble. Explain fully the technicue of jumping for the ball either at the center jump or the jump after held bell. Give the correct technique of a successful guard just immediately prior to and immediately after his recovery of the ball off his opponents offensive beck board. PHYSIC-L EDUC-FION COBKSE 60-¢ Ba oKET BsbLb (For men) 1937 ASSIGNULNT X19 |TV Chapters XVI, XVII, XIx. Offensive Plays from Out of Bounds and at Center REFERENCE; Better Basket Ball incorporating Technique, Tactics and Teles. lo Explain the tip-off lanes and your system of Signaling for a play. &. Explain whet signals are necessary for out of bounds plays. Also give five out of bounds plays thet should provide scoring opportuni- ties for the offense. Diagrem two. set offensive plays against a zone defense. Also explain how and when the men move to their respective positions. In a four hundred word article explain the evolution of the defense. Wrtie a five hundred vord article on the speciel defensive Situations thét a coach should drill his teams upon. Sener gu |S The Stretified Transitions] Ken-for-lMan Defense with the Zone Prine REFSRENCE; Better basket Ball incorporating Technique, Tectics and Talese Write one thousand words on the stratified transitional man-foreman defense with the zone principle, beginning with two offensive men against che de_ensive man a ild up until you have completed the entire set. up or Live ofiensiv aceinst five defensive men. PHYSICAL EDUCATION COURSE 60e¢ BASKET BALL (For men) 1937 | ; ASSIGNMENT Xt Chapters-X1IT, XIV and XV. The Evolution of the Offense. REFERENCE: Better Basket Ball incorporating Tecthnicve, Tactics le Bo do 4o and Tales. Give in your own words and not in the words of the text a 200 word discussion on the evolution of the offensee Write 200 words on the legel term screening and 100 words on. blocking. : Describe the three types of fundamental sereen wolves diepraming an example of each type. Name the nine principles of war and endeavor to reconcile the nine principles of war with nine parallel principles of besket ball. Diagrem 3 screen plays that are not in the text and explain the movements of all five of the offensive mene Show your own method of working the ball down the court after your own guard has recovered the ball off of the backboard. Diagram and explain the theory of the rolling of fense when using three men in a practice drill. : Give three practice game drill that in your opinion sre ine “valuable for developing fundementé 18 Elaborate on each game. Wheat benefit to a team is the @row and Crane game? Tell when it should be usede Describe the "Stick Em ; Beas Away" ee a its outstanding benefits. Diagram one formal offensive uniotive apiat incorporating in the drill most of the necessary fundamentels. xplein your theory in regard to the beneiits derived. PHYSICAL EDUC..TION COURSE 60e¢ | BASKET BALL (For Men) 1937 ASSIGNEENE XTYV. Chapter XVITI. Emergencies. REFERENCE: Better Basket Ball incorporatin: Technique, Tactics Le Bo as 5; 6 V. 8. 9. 10. and Tales, Name some of the most commonly used and the most reliable antiseptics, What is the best method of eradicating small pimples and tiny so Calied boils? ; when boils are Caused from other things then unsanitary athletic @quipment what precautions shoula be Lollowed? Write 500 words on the proper care of the Leet both previous and therapeutic e ; : ; State tecbiique of stopping nose bleed. What is nervous indigestion? Whet is caterreh of the throat? How treated? Whet is a good flu prevenative? Give treetment for cold sores on lips. Describe the so-celled athietic heart. January 15, 1941 Miss Ruth : Setye, Bureau of Correspondence Study Fraser Hall thiversity of Kansas Dear Miss Kenneys Enclosed is the catalog material fron the eatin of Physical Education for correspondence study courses. Mire DeGroot, who is handling "Track and Field Athleties" desired to change the wording of the explanation of his courses; this is indicated on the attached sheet. . Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Pducation and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach FeAsig ‘ THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WELFARE UNIVERSITY EXTENSION DIVISION DEPARTMENT OF EXTENSION TEACHING BUREAU OF GENERAL INFORMATION BUREAU OF SCHOOL SERVICE AND RESEARCH LAWRENCE BUREAU OF CLASS INSTRUCTION (ieee Geunae nuceau BUREAU OF CORRESPONDENCE STUDY BUREAU OF VISUAL INSTRUCTION Januery 11, 1941 Dr. F. C. Allen 105 Robinson Gym Campus Dear Dr. Allen: It is necessary for the Bureau of Carrespondence Study to have some new catalogs printed this spring and we would like to get the material collected at an early date if that is possible. Will you, therefore, please check the enclosed material and see if it is satisfactory to be in the catalog. Thank you very much for your cooperation in this matter. Si ly yours secretary Bureau of Correspondence Study RKshh enCe PHYSICAL EDUCATION GOURSE 60-c Morale or Esprit de Corpse REP ERENCE; Better Basket Ball tnoorporsting echntgne, Tactics and Téles. : Define orale or Eeprit de Corpae : ! Give an example of such from: your, onn ethietic experiences. Ts Seprit de Corps. necessary to all winning orgenizations? How do you develop 4t,. Shrough anon aanes, Se jesting anc fun with relaxation? Aa 7 fa ; i Thy is number 13 considered dasiey ér “unlucky? | nae 3 Do vou believe in ce bering to. the cethinvets super rstitions? el ea Describe a betveenehelves talk that you have always remem= bered and vhat results it brought from the team that heard ite Outline your procedure of a pregame balk ‘Sithtton and how you would handle your .own team before Feu. send ‘them on the floor. - Give yo ur choice of the peem thet Fou. think could most es os the walls of your team's dressing ri OMe THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WELFARE BUREAU OF GENERAL INFORMATION UNIVERSITY EXTENSION DIVISION DEPARTMENT OF EXTENSION TEACHING BUREAU OF CLASS INSTRUCTION foe IRC aOR am iad aces sciniaiie avais BUREAU OF CORRESPONDENCE STUDY BUREAU OF VISUAL INSTRUCTION October 19, 1939 Dr. Forest ©. Allen Department of Physical Education Iniversity of Sansas Xobinson Gymmasium Dear Dr, Allen: It is necessary for us to issve a new Correspondence Study catalog as soon as possible. Will you, therefore, please check the enclosed material describing the courses in Physical Educa- tion and advise us if it is satisfactory? Thank you for this cooperation. Sincerely yours, Secretary, GN Bureau of Correspondence Study THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS UNIVERSITY EXTENSION DIVISION | CORRESPONDENCE STUDY DEPARTMENT , a SICAL EDUCATION GoURSE bO BASKET BALL FOR MEN : FINAL EXAMINATION : SE RETURN THESE QUESTIONS SQ THAT YOUR PAPER MaY BE GRADED. le A sinctieabe player goes on the floor and aeeniane to the referee — 2 umpire but not to the seore keeper, The game proceeds for two. 3 4 minutes without a seore being made. In the next thirty seconds a 4 this player shoots a field goal, At this juneture, the opposing - captain discovers that there was something irregular when this 4 - player entered the game. What is the duty of the referee under ‘several possible situations? Elaborate, When two men of the same team have the same numbers on their — - jerseys what should the referee do if the opposing captain demands that. a foul be galled on one of these two men? If you think that the referee should call a foul how would you List it? whet authority does the umpire have in a game of basketball? « Ig it necessary that a player be notified when he has made three — personal fouls? five the situations when it is necessary for the referee to decide n favor of (@) the smaller seore, (b) the longer playing times hese situations refer to disputes arising over seores and playing m. : Define (a) leval dribble, (b) an illegal aribple, (@) illeal starting of the dribble, *1a) Legal starting of the dribble. ive a model of a talk to your boys in the dressing room just before game with your traditional opponents, Youare the @oach, Use the first person form of address and omit nothing that will enable you ae to have the advantage of strategy, fundamentals, and Lira ON» of oan the eoach's responsibilities to the team on a three-game De Cover (a) the time that the team is traveling, (b) pre-game thes ({e) game sal (d) after-game periods and recreational as Well as sericus-business periods, Should team members be allowed ¢o visit friends and relatives on trips? Why or why not? O, Give in detail your idea of what benefit the coach should derive in the way of compensation from BA& association with young men, State _ your ideas of what the coach's moral and intellectual equipment _ ghould be before he should assume the responsibilities of such a oS What should bis attitude be toward the comounity, the ny students, and the team? SSR RE oes Se DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WELFARE THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS F EX Net iad ck ae Geehi secdamaribn UNIVERSITY EXTENSION DIVISION DEPARTMENT O TENSION TEACHING BUREAU OF CLASS INSTRUCTION BUREAU OF SCHOOL SERVICE AND RESEARCH LAWRENCE aiitekad o0 comadwuneuMnes eau LECTURE COURSE BUREAU BUREAU OF VISUAL INSTRUCTION March 2, 1938 Dr. F. C. Allen, 105 Re University of Kansas Dear Dro Allen: It is necessary that we revise our correspondence study catalogue this spring and we would like to get the material to the state printer just as soon as is possible. Will you please cheek the enclosed announcement of correspondence study courses for your department and return it at your earliest convenience? If there : is any question about the work I should be more than glad to talk with you about it. If there are to be any revisions made during the summer perhaps it would be well to include them in the new catalogue. Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely, Secretary, Bureau of Correspondence Study RK; LP enc. Miss Ruth Keomey, Bureau of Correspondence Study, University of Kausage . Dear Miss Kemey: ico es copy of "Setter Sasketbell™. THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WELFARE G BUREAU OF* GENERAL INFORMATION UNIVERSITY EXTENSION DIVISION DEPARTMENT OF EXTENSION TEACHIN BUREAU OF CLASS INSTRUCTION BUREAU OF CORRESPONDENCE STUDY BUREAU OF SCHOOL SERVICE AND RESEARCH LAWRENCE LECTURE COURSE BUREAU BUREAU OF VISUAL INSTRUCTION December 6, 1937 Dr. #, C, #llen .105 Robinson Gymnasium Campus Dear Dr. Allen: Thank you very much for your letter of December 3. At your suggestion we are writing a little note to Mr. Hargiss to tell him thet Mr. Butler is working now on the course in "Track and Field Athletics." We wrote to the McGraw-Hill Book Company to ask that they give us an instructor's copy of "Better Basketball" and were advised that they would send us a copy just as soon as possible. We will be indeed pleased to have this complimentary copy of your book. Sin y yours, | oe RK: EC sulk ary, ee Bureau of Correspondence Study Deceniber 3p 1937 Sutiar in the ten ciareens Basketball for Hen ed Track & Field Athletics. ; I will be glad to persemally grade his papers in the basketball course. cane Geaanndtrgy Ann write to Coach Nargiss, as he is in the Athletic Deparment and handles his work independently. ' The new book, Better Basketball, will be re leased fran New Yori: this week. It will be on sole at Rowlands and also Carl's, and I trust thet _ you will be able to secure a copy very SOOM Seeeity Sasha’). rai | DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WELFARE THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS esalighas “ax: Gain: nneiiaes UNIVERSITY EXTENSION DIVISION DEPARTMENT OF EXTENSION TEACHING BUREAU OF SCHOOL SERVICE AND RESEARCH LAWRENCE BUREAU OF CLASS INSTRUCTION LECTURE COURSE BUREAU BUREAU OF CORRESPONDENCE STUDY BUREAU OF VISUAL INSTRUCTION Nove 23, 1957 Dr. F, é. Allen Robinson Gym University of Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: The other day, Mr. Lawrence Bugene Butler, now coach at Goodland, Kansas, wrote in to say that he wanted to take by correspondence study the two courses, Basketball for Men and Trach & Field Athletics, if Dr. Allen and Mr. Hargiss personally would handle the papers. His object is to take the courses for credit to “improve his ocaching methods". We assured him that you would handle the work for the courses and so he has enrolled. We sent him the lessons for the new course in Basketball and told him that the text would not be available until in December. Therefore he is going to begin at once on Track and send lessons in that subject. Will you please explain to Mr. Hargiss and tell him this man will greatly appreciate his cooperation. My. Butler received his A. B. degree from the University of Kansas in 1929 and his M. A, in 1936. He should be a splendid student. Sincerely yours Ss pe , i} [ (\ os ve 1] | / s Secretary of Bureau of Gorrespondence Study [ RK . atin ae iF -t FH — fo f e i if / Ay oF g? C7 FY) ~ \ ons en. nee