: /amen. Any man that Professor Affleck says 15 Ole, is surely all right es far as 1 eam concerned, and the fact that I bad the harry plenswe of inowing you better mikes it a double pleasures Congratulations on your wonderful record in basketball. I think you have done marvelously woll. eS ae ee Se een ie See, ee bey eee chempionship materialize for you in 19408 wie | ion ay hicihaet Hegteds to yous Yowdky wate ant hee mother. The Allens e111 send their decpest sympathies and heart- feit wishes to your fine family. i was so fond of Dre Stevens and I know what an irreparable loss it ise ; Mary and her husbend, who live at Anchorage, Kentucky, and their son and two daughters are with us now, as is our oldest son and his wife and little rod-head of tuo years of age. We have grandchildren and ali of our femily is at hone during the. Christms tine. It has been a gemzine pleasure to have them heres | . You can rest assured that I will give you the very high« est testinoniale Smereley yuna, ‘Director of Physical Education and Reereation, Varsity Basketball Coache