a, \ ome ne RCRAFT- CORPORATION: GENERAL BFEPLE ES! 11-7 WEST. NINTH STREET CABLE ADDRESS "'TIMMAERO”’ + LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA January <1, L944 Dear Doctor: Don't faint - because this is not really a letter from the dead, so to speak, I know that I seem to be a very weywerd and errent Corres- pondent, but so darn much has been hapvening since I last wrote you thet I haven't really had sufficient time to settle down and try to send you a half-way decent missive, I guess the best way to 'let you know! about me is to start from the last tie I wrote a letter to you, As you may recall, 1 was teaching in the physical education department at the University of California at Los Angeles, Well, in the late spring, just before the school year was up, the assistant football coach ssked me if I would like to be his head Counsellor for his summer boy's ranch camp, Naturally I said "yes", So during the summer of 1941 ~ I was on his ranch, which is lécated about 200 miles north of San Francis- Co, I had charge of overseeing all of the activities for his 'charges' and seeing to it that the other counsellors did their job, It was really @ marvelous experience, as we had all kinds of facilities for recreation, Horses, swimming, boating, mount*in hiking, and trips way up into the for- ests of the 'Redwood Empire', But all good things must end, so back to Los Angeles we Came, I resumed my teaching for the second year at U.C.L,A, and was really enjoying my duties very much, : Just before the end of the Fell semester (Jan,-1942) one of the other department instructors told me of a place where I might be able to pick up some extra money by working nights, The 'place' is the firm on the letterhead, It seems they wanted a man to handle their First Aid work for industrial accidents on the Swing shift (5:30 PM to 3:00 AM), I went out to the firm's plant and was intervieweé to some length by the Employment Manager and the Director of Industrial Relations who finally said I could have the job, The reason for the need for the night First Aid man wes thet the company was just in the first throes of a long-range expansion progrem, and the guards (who had formerly hendled ell of the accident cases) were mot able to teke on the extra work that wes resulting. FT CORPORATION: GENERALE -GoF PEE Sell 7 WEST ONIN Ss TRE Ee TT. CABLE ADDRESS "'TIMMAERQ’’ *® LOS ANGELES, GALIFORNIA Page 2 At the time I started with the firm, there were only 450 employees on the payroll, After I had been doing this First Aid work for about three months, the company prepared to really start on a terrific expansion pro- grem that was aimed at ending up with a vayroll of around 5000 pedple, During my working hours, the Employment Manager and the Director of the Department hed been 'shoving' more and more of the Industrial Relations work aside for me to do .t night, that the reguler staff could not get a- round to in the deytime. When it became evident that we were in for some really wholesale hir- ing and would need to maintein a hiring office in downtown Los Angeles, the Employment Manager asked me if I would be interested in becoming an Inter- viewer, Naturally I said "yes", So the middle of April, I resigned from the University (I hed been maintaining my day teaching duties there, while I worked the Swing shift at the plant -- 19 hours of work out of the 24!) end moved into a downtown Central hiring o*fice that we set un, After handling this for about a month, I was placed in charge of all personnel procurement for the compeny, at all plants, I heave been doing this since, We have expanded to, at the present time, a total of 3500 employees, and are hunting for more, Our main producticn 'dream' is a sweet little aeroplane of the trainer type, It is a léw-wing, open cock- pit job and constructéd out of what is Called plastic, but is in reality a 'plastic-bonded, molded-plywood construction', to give it the accepted name, It is made by a special process where ordinary sheets of veneer wood are joined with this plastic compound and when the treatment is Com- pleted, the 'wood' is now of a synthetic, plastic characteristic, Another product that we heve just finished a contract on, is the huge Cargo- and transport-carrying invasion gliders, Then the rest of our work is Concerned with sub-contract construction and fabrication of various shect metal parts for other companies (Lockheed-Vega, Consolidated-Vultee, and Dougles), . You know, it is certainly funny how things move around, In December of 1941 I had mt even the remotest idea of getting into Personnel work, end if I had of, I certdnly would not of known where or how to start. But by January of 1942 I was started, and now I'm in it so deep I doubt if I ever want to leave it, And all by a hapoy chance that I knew a little a- bout aonlying a bandage -- lucky me!! : FT CORPORATION: GENER ALL 66 -F e-e S27 Wee St NIN? a SR EET CABLE ADDRESS "'TIMMAERO”’ &® LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA Page 3 And that is the reason I have been so lax in writing to you, 'Doc', be- ceuse I have been working tremendously long hours trying to make a go of this thing, I guess I have succeeded, partially, byt at least it has been fun and certanly a tremendous experience and thrill. But things now have level- ed off to an extent to where I think I can begin to once more abserve the little social amenities (i.e., letter-writing!) once more, Every time 1 pick up a newspaper, I always turn to the sprots (oh!! page and look in the box labelled 'Basketbell Results! to see if KANSAS is listed there, And do you know, its the habit of the victor, but I slways look down the left column for the neme KANSAS, because that is the place where the winner avpears-~and, while you may have undoubéedly lost games in the last two yeers, every time I have seen the results, KANSAS has been in the left-hand column! That's the way it should be, 'Doc'!! I certeinly miss the old campus, and am locking forward very much to the day when I can come back for a 'look-see' around. I intend doing that for the 5-yeer class reunion, which will be June, 1945, But with the pre- sent world turmoil, and everything hapvening so suddenly and unexpectedly thet plen may Change, But in any event, when I do 'hit' Lawrence again, you may be sure that the first plwce or person I will see, is one Dr, For- rest C,. Allen, Guess I better close now, 'Doc', before I begin to bore you too much, and alos see if I can't reserve some thing for my mext letter. 'Bye for now and lots of continued luck and progress== ene Billups 500 Hill Sst. Senta Monica, Calif, UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS ' LAWRENCE DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION August 30, 1944, Mrs Heo Fs Baustian, Langdon High School, Langdon, Kansas. Dear Mr. Baustian: I have autographed a copy of my text, “Better Basket- ball", and am sending it to you today by parcel post. I trust that you will derive much pleasure and profit from the book. : With kindest regards, I am Very sincerely yours, ector of Physical Baucation, PCA: AH Varsity Basketball Moach, SE eeA Pe ie ae . 3 Bae a Soap tise: wat a eee L. W. BROOKS FOR STATE SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION HeadquarterseManhattan, Kansas CAMPAIGN MANAGER . ASSISTANT MANAGER SUPT. F. V. BERGMAN Wichi ta, Kansee CO. SUPT. AGNES ENGSTRAND August 13, 1944 Dr. Forrest C, Allen Dept.of Physieal Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas My dear Dr. Allen; Thanks for the swell letter of congratu- lation! The vietory was achieved because of a lot of friends like you, who were willing to roll up their sleeves and dig down nto their poekets for the sake of a change. I appreci- ate it all very deeply. I enjoyed looking over the "Rebounds". I had not known of that publieation until I received this copy. It is a wonderful piece of morale~building that you are doing there, anc if subsequent issues would permit, I should like to be put on your mailing list. An just back from Wisconsin, where I visited some of my relatives for a few days. Three of that family are in very bad health, anc I was glad it was possible to see them. Now I am back et my office, ready for the strenuous program ahead. I shell hope for the luek that you wished me. With kindest regards to the good wife and such other members of the family as you may be in toueh with,I am Very sincerely vours “< W. Brooks - LWB ese BOARD OF TRUSTEES HOMER P. RAINEY, CHAIRMAN W. ROY BREG J. ROSCOE DRUMMOND FRANK E. GANNETT ERNEST STACEY GRIFFITH SPENCER MILLER, JR. JOHN R. MOTT DANIEL A. POLING CARROLL R. REED RUSSELL E. SINGER MRS. JOHN L. WHITEHURST RAY LYMAN WILBUR SoS ee ree Ee ee ALLIED YZ YOUTH NATIONAL EDUCATION ASSOCIATION BLDG. WASHINGTON, D.C. (6) February 18, 1944 Dr. Forrest C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: Thank you so much for your telegram, explaining the Situation in your office. I: am sorry that the "flu" worked such havoc in your office, It is my hope that all are well again and back in their places. We shall be most happy to have you write the article for us whenever you can. We would use it at the right time, Thanks for your interest, Sincerely yours, W, Roy/Breg 2 Executive Secretary ADVISORY MEMBERS MRS. SAIDIE ORR DUNBAR EDWIN HOLT HUGHES A. J. STODDARD P MRS. HENRY ALVAH STRONG ERNEST R. BRYAN TREASURER W. ROY BREG EXECUTIVE SECRETARY diesel sta Readtaae eS ab edie woh Woe a L BOARD OF TRUSTEES HOMER P. RAINEY, CHAIRMAN W. ROY BREG J. ROSCOE DRUMMOND FRANK E. GANNETT ERNEST STACEY GRIFFITH SPENCER MILLER, JR. JOHN R. MOTT DANIEL A. POLING CARROLL R. REED RUSSELL E. SINGER MRS. JOHN L. WHITEHURST RAY LYMAN WILBUR ( ALLIED YY YOUTH NATIONAL EDUCATION ASSOCIATION BLDG. WASHINGTON, D.C. (6) January 3, 1944 Mr. Forrest C. Allen Director of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Mr. Allen: In answer to your letter of December 30, we want to say that our next issue of TH ALLIED YOUTH will be the March 1944 issue. Copy for this issue should be in our hands by February 1. We would greatly appre- ciate it if you could send us an article that we could use in this issue. Thank you, Executive Secretary ADVISORY MEMBERS MRS. SAIDIE ORR DUNBAR EDWIN HOLT HUGHES A. J. STODDARD MRS. HENRY ALVAH STRONG ERNEST R. BRYAN TREASURER & W. ROY BREG EXECUTIVE SECRETARY Mr. W. Roy Breg, Exeoutive Secretary , Allied Youth, | National Education Assogiation Bldg., Dear Mr. Breg: ‘I have held your request for an article on my desk, hoping it would be possible to give you a reply before this time. However, my administrative duties, in addition to basketball coaching and a rather large number of speak- ing dates over the state this fall and early winter, have caused me to neglect writing you. Will you kindly tell me whe your next issue will be - out, and what the deadline is for an article? It will soon be a little late for a basketball article. I shall be re Very sincerely yours, Direetor of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coach. BOARD OF TRUSTEES HOMER P. RAINEY, CHAIRMAN W. ROY BREG J. ROSCOE DRUMMOND FRANK E. GANNETT ERNEST STACEY GRIFFITH SPENCER MILLER, JR. JOHN R. MOTT DANIEL A. POLING CARROLL R. REED RUSSELL E. SINGER MRS. JOHN L. WHITEHURST RAY LYMAN WILBUR NATIONAL EDUCATION ASSOCIATION BLDG. WASHINGTON,D.C. (6) December 21, 1943 Mr. Forrest C. Allen Director of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Mr. Allen: In the latter part of October, we wrote you asking that you write a feature article on basketball for USe We have heard nothing from you and would appreciate having word from you as soon as possible, telling us if you will be able to do this. May you have a pleasant Holiday Season. Sincerely yo ee, W. Roy Brég Executive Secretary ADVISORY MEMBERS MRS. SAIDIE ORR DUNBAR EDWIN HOLT HUGHES A. J. STODDARD MRS. HENRY ALVAH STRONG ERNEST R. BRYAN TREASURER W. ROY BREG EXECUTIVE SECRETARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES ‘HOMER P. RAINEY, CHAIRMAN W. ROY BREG J. ROSCOE DRUMMOND FRANK E. GANNETT ERNEST STACEY GRIFFITH SPENCER MILLER, JR. JOHN R. MOTT DANIEL A. POLING CARROLL R. REED RUSSELL E. SINGER MRS. JOHN L. WHITEHURST RAY LYMAN WILBUR NATIONAL EDUCATION ASSOCIATION BLDG, WASHINGTON, D.C. (6) Oetober 28, 1943 ADVISORY MEMBERS MRS. SAIDIE ORR DUNBAR EDWIN HOLT HUGHES A: J. STODDARD MRS. HENRY ALVAH STRONG ERNEST R. BRYAN . TREASURER W. ROY BREG EXECUTIVE SECRETARY Mr. Forrest C. Allen Director of Physical Education Varsity Basketball Coach University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Mr, Allen: In June, you suggested the possibility that you would be very glad indeed to help us with a feature article on basketball. We are writing now to say that, if you could plan to give us such an article by the last ol: ovember, it would be a particular help to us. We would feature it seas during the height of “thé” basketball season in THE ALLIED YOUTH. - ; We are most grateful for your leadership in this field and for willingness to cooperate with us. We would also like to have one or two pictures of the team in action, Your kindness is appreciated and we hope to hear from you soon. Sincerely yours, Executive Secretary WRB:sg 17 a Lr Sica pa td fin Nici <9 ioe iN jai asia ee Ba Genco ae ae a Se 2h a