PHYSICAL EDUCATION GOURSE 60-c Morale or Esprit de Corpse REP ERENCE; Better Basket Ball tnoorporsting echntgne, Tactics and Téles. : Define orale or Eeprit de Corpae : ! Give an example of such from: your, onn ethietic experiences. Ts Seprit de Corps. necessary to all winning orgenizations? How do you develop 4t,. Shrough anon aanes, Se jesting anc fun with relaxation? Aa 7 fa ; i Thy is number 13 considered dasiey ér “unlucky? | nae 3 Do vou believe in ce bering to. the cethinvets super rstitions? el ea Describe a betveenehelves talk that you have always remem= bered and vhat results it brought from the team that heard ite Outline your procedure of a pregame balk ‘Sithtton and how you would handle your .own team before Feu. send ‘them on the floor. - Give yo ur choice of the peem thet Fou. think could most es os the walls of your team's dressing ri OMe