diesel sta Readtaae eS ab edie woh Woe a L BOARD OF TRUSTEES HOMER P. RAINEY, CHAIRMAN W. ROY BREG J. ROSCOE DRUMMOND FRANK E. GANNETT ERNEST STACEY GRIFFITH SPENCER MILLER, JR. JOHN R. MOTT DANIEL A. POLING CARROLL R. REED RUSSELL E. SINGER MRS. JOHN L. WHITEHURST RAY LYMAN WILBUR ( ALLIED YY YOUTH NATIONAL EDUCATION ASSOCIATION BLDG. WASHINGTON, D.C. (6) January 3, 1944 Mr. Forrest C. Allen Director of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Mr. Allen: In answer to your letter of December 30, we want to say that our next issue of TH ALLIED YOUTH will be the March 1944 issue. Copy for this issue should be in our hands by February 1. We would greatly appre- ciate it if you could send us an article that we could use in this issue. Thank you, Executive Secretary ADVISORY MEMBERS MRS. SAIDIE ORR DUNBAR EDWIN HOLT HUGHES A. J. STODDARD MRS. HENRY ALVAH STRONG ERNEST R. BRYAN TREASURER & W. ROY BREG EXECUTIVE SECRETARY