THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS University Extension Division Correspondence Study Department PHYSICAL EDUCATION COURSE 60 | BASKET BALL FOR MEN | ~ FINAL EXAMINATION PLEASE RETURN THESE QUESTICNS SO THAT YOUR PAPER MAY BE GRADED 1.. A substitute player goes on the floor and reports to the referee or umpire but not to the score keeper. The game proceeds for two minutes. without a score being made. In the next thirty seconds this player shoots a field goal. At this juncture, the opposing captain discovers that there was something irregular when this player entered the game. What is the duty of the referee under the several possible situstions? Elaborate. | oS 2. When two men of the same team have the same numbers on their jerseys what should the referee do if the opposing captain demands that a foul be called on one of these two men? If you think that the referee should call a foul how would ybu list it? | | 3. What authority does the umpire have in a game of basketball? 4. Is ad necessary thet a player be notified when he hed made three personal | fouls? : . De Give the situations when it is necessary for the referee to decide in favor of (a) the smaller score, (b) the longer playing time. These situations refer to disputes arising over scores and playing time. 6. When may a member of either team call time out, legally? .. 9, Define (a) legal dribble, (b) an illegal dribble, {c) illegal starting of the dribble, (a) legal. starting of the dribble. 8. Give a model of a talk to your boys in the dressing room just before a game with your traditional opponents. You are the coach, Use the first person form of address and omit nothing that will enable your team to have the advantage of strategy, fundamentals, and inspiration. -9, Outline the coach's responsibilities to the team on a three-game trip. Cover (a) the time that the trayeling, (b) pre-game time, (c) game time, (a) after-game periods and recreational as well as gerious-business pericds. Should team members be allowed to visit friehds and relatives on trips? Why or why not? a of what benefit the coach should derive in : y te : f compensation from his association with young men. Sta Soe thens o2 what the coach's moral and intellectual equipment should be before he should assume the responsibilities of such a position. What should his attitude be toward the community, the faculty, the, students, and the teem? 10. Give in detail your ide DF/b je May 9, 1945. Miss Ruth Kenney, Seoretary, Bureau of Correspondence Study, University of Kansas. Dear Miss Kenney: _ Confirming our phone oonversation of this date, Mr. Shenk feels it would be better if we waited a year for a revision of the football course. | I am passing the information on to Mr. Ray Kanehl, who will revise the track course. And Mrs. Allen will revise the course in basketball. The text for track is written by Bresnahan an@ Tuttle. We will continue to use Better Basket- ball for our course. : Sincerely yours, : Director of Physical Bauoation, POA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach. THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS _ DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WELFARE UNIVERSITY EXTENSION DIVISION DEPARTMENT OF EXTENSION TEACHING BUREAU OF GENERAL INFORMATION See : : LAWRENCE BUREAU OF CLASS INSTRUCTION LECTURE COURSE BUREAU ates a BR * BUREAU OF CORRESPONDENCE STUDY BUREAU OF VISUAL INSTRUCTION Ces : May Ry 1945 _ Prof. F. C. Allen, 107 Robinson Gymnasiun, University of Kansas. Dear Prof. Allen: We have just received word from the United States Armed Forces Institute urgently requesting that we submit a new schedule of courses and fees for use by military personnel, by May 15, 1945. In preparing this schedule of courses and prices we shall need to know if there is any contemplated revision of courses, and if so, the name and price of the new text or texts. — The courses in Basketball for Men and Football Coaching were revised in 1937 and the course in Track and Field Athletics is very old; in fact we have no revision date on it. We are wondering if these courses should be revised now or if the text and the courses themselves are still up-to-date. Your advice about this matter will be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your cooperation. a o pee: f} oes [ook Ka A Secretary , Bureau of Correspondence Study RKsammn . THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS - DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WELFARE UNIVERSITY EXTENSION DIVISION DEPARTMENT OF EXTENSION TEACHING BUREAU OF GENERAL INFORMATION LAWRENCE BUREAU OF CLASS INSTRUCTION LECTURE COURSE BUREAU BUREAU OF CORRESPONDENCE STUDY — BUREAU OF VISUAL INSTRUCTION June 2, 1945. Prof. F. C. Allen, Department of Physical Education, 107 Robinson, Campus, Dear Professor Allen: We had hoped not to prepare a catalog before ‘October or November, 1945, but our dwindling supply has made it imperative that we get new copy to the State Printer in July. Will you please check the enclosed material for your department and advise us if it is all right or if you would like to make some change in the way it is pre- pared. Any suggestions that you can offer will be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely yours, Secretary, Bureau of Correspondence Study. Maroh 2, 1946. St. Louis 16, Moe Dear Mr. Langehennig: I am sorry that it has been impossible for me to finish grading your papers in yow correspondence study course. We are leaving today for Ames, Iowa, on our last basketball trip of the season, ce ee oe rest of your papers. we bom held up in this work beoaute of duties as a the Douglas Coumty Selective Service 2 a of sivic activities, as well as bringing my team through the basketball season. I om on sorry for the delay in rotuming your papers, and hope ee ee en : : hh Very sincerely yours, N — of Physical Education, FCA :AH Varsity Basketball Coach, . THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS UNIVERSITY EXTENSION DIVISION CORRESPONDENCE STUDY DEPARTMENT | PHYSICAL EDUCATION COURSE 60 ¢ BASKET BALL FOR MEN FINAL EXAMINATION E RETURN THESE QU'STIONS SO THAT YOUR PAPER MAY BE GRADED. 1» A substitute player goes on the floor and reports to the referee or umpire but not to the score keeper, The game proceeds for two minutes without a score being made. In the next thirty seconds this player shoots e field goal, At this juncture, the opposing captain discovers that there was something irregular when this piayer entered the game, What is the duty of the referee under the several possible situations? Elaborate. — ~@ When two men of the same team have the same numbers on their jerseys what should the referee do if the oppos captain demands that a foul be called on one of these two men? If you think that ssn referee should call a foul how would you list it? ; ao authority does the umpire have in a game of basketball? i me it necessary that mp a player be notified when he hes made three personal fouls? | : 5. Give the situations when it is necessary for the referee to @ecidef in favor of (a) the smaller score, (b) the ee ae ‘time, These situations refer to disputes arising over scores a playing time, i 7 ‘4, When may a member of either team call this time out, legally? Je Define (a) legal dribble, (b) an illegal dribble, (¢) illegal «starting of the dribble, (d) legal starting of the dribble. « Give a model of a talk to your boys in the dressing room just before a game with your traditional opponents. You are the coach, Use the first person form of address and omit nothing that will | enable your team to have the advantage of strategy, amentals, and inspiration. 9, Outline the coagh's responsibilities to the team on a three-game trip. Cover (¥) the time that the team is traveling, (b) pre- game time, (c) game time, (ad) after-game periods and recreational as well as serious-business periods, Should team members be allowed to visit friends and relatives on trips? Why or why not? 10, Give in detail your idea of what benefit the coach should derive in - the way of compensation from his association with young as" State your ideas of what the coach's moral and intellectual equip- ment should be before he should assume the responsibilities of such a position, What should his attitude be toward the community, the ZHI faculty, the students, and the team? *~ . | _ COMPLETE OFFICE SET PHYSICAL EDUCATION: .. . COURSE 60-c BASKET BALL Be oe . oe (For Men) 1937 16 Assignments Boa : : 2 Hours Credit PHYSICAL EDUC:TION COURSE 60-¢ BASKET BALL (For Men) 1937 PRELIMINARY STATEAENT The texts to be used in this course are the following: ng Technicue, Tactics and ee /@ YW e New York. Spaldinge’s Official Basket Ball Guidé for the current year. The text by Allen may be purchased from Roviland*s Book Store or from Ober's of this city. : In addition to the assigned texts and articles the student is urged to evail himself of all possible extra data thet is within his réache Tt would be advisable during the progress of this course for the student to refer constantly to some reliable athletic journal for extra material to aid him in broadening his know. ledge of the subject. The Athletic Journal and the Scholastic Coach is e fine source of material for @ll seasons. The American Physical Education ieview and Ting and Body are other splendid magizines Jor this pruposee In addition to the above there are other worthy ones, some of vhich you m&y prefer. All references mentioned in this end in Succeeding lessons are merely suggested and not recuirede LP PHYSICAL EDUCATION COURSE 60-¢ BASKET Bab . (For Men) 1937 ASSIGNMENT I. Ghepters 1, Ti, Tt. Preperations For the Season. __ REFERENCE; Better Basket ball incorporating Technicue, Tactics and Talese In &@ short preliminary statement, please state your age, height, weight, what exy,erience you have had as a pleyer, what experience you have had es e coach and what is your aim in taking this coursee Please gttach a small picture of yourself to this assignment. ae In this assignment you have as your guide the authors idess.of the beginnings of the game, the reserch . problems thet have caused rules changes and the chapter on officiating. In a 750 word paper discuss each chapter separately, pointing out the things that impress you the most in the order of their importance. TP PHYSICAL EDUCATION GOURSE 60—c¢ BASKET BALL | (For Men) 1937 ASSIGNMENT II. Chapter IV. The Program and its Public. REFERENCE: Better Basket Ball incorporating Technicue, Tactics and Tales, — ? in a 500 word paper discuss the vital subjects covered in Chapter IV stressing the more important subjects such as ventileting and heating, lighting, goals and backboards. Also discuss the present trends to make the game more attractive to the Spectetor both during game time and at half time periods. ‘Suggest your best ideas for box office appeal. PEYSTICAL EDUCATION COURSE 60~¢ ASKET BALL (For Men) 1937 ASSIGNUENT III. Chapter V. Seasonal Preparations. EPBRENCE: Better Besket Ball incorporating Techniue, Tactics and Tales. io What in your opinion is the most satisfactory schedule? So Do you think thet all-star and alleconference teams are good for the sport? Why? So Outiine the duties of the property man. 4o Give the deys order oi setting up exercises that the coach Shceuld employ to comition his squad. Se Discuss an ideal dressing room lay out with its hygienis environment emphasized. 6. Give your idees on the necessary foods ior the athelete in playing condition. 7 Discuss staleness, its causes and its possible eradication. 8. Outline practice periods for the fall, winter and spring and state the time that should be consumed for cach. PHYSICAL EDUCATION COURSE 60-c BASKET BALL (For Men) 1937 ASSIGNMENT IV. Chapter VI. Selecting the Men. REFERENCE: Better Basket ball incorporsting Technicue, Tactics and Tales. i.e Discuss the merits and demerits of the good big man as compared to the good little man. ae 2. Why do we have so many exceptionally tall men in the game today as compsred to ten years ago? 3. Present your arguments why a ten foot basket 18 more preferable for college players than a tvelve foot basket. 4. State the reason for the present height of the ten foot pasket o 5. Describe the newly patented ten foot basket with light | devices. What are the advantages and disadvantages to both the players and spectators as you observe them from your limited experience and observation? 6. Would you advise baskets of graduated heights for grade, ‘junior high and high school boys. Whet additional theories would you advance for compensating height and age? 7. How does a twelve foot basket work ageinst @ zone defense? 8. What is the ditference in the 1938 Basket Ball Rules as compared to the offense and to the defense in regerd ito interfering with the ball when it is on the rim or above the cylinder of the basket? 9. The elegibility rules inveriably state that there shall be no discrimination for or against the athiete: Is there. any discrimination against the athelete when he is forced to carry more hours to be elegible to play than is required for any other student of the school, to remain e member of the student body. Hlaborate and express your opinions on this subject. : 10. Give your opinion on the possible benefits of electing an honor captain at the end of the season, or oi electing a team captain at the close of one season to serve his team for the next yeare PHYSICAL EDUC:.TION COURSE 60-c Baske? BALL (For men) 1957 ASSIGNAENT Ve Chapter VII. Morale or Esprit de Corps. REFERENCE: Better Basket Ball incorporeting Technique, Tactics and Tales. : 1. Define Morale or Esprit de Corpse | 2. Give an example of such from your own athletic experience. Se Is Esprit de Corps necessary to €@11 winning organizations? How do you develop it, through fight always or through jesting and fun with relaxation? Why 1s number 13 considered lucky or unlucky? Do you believe in cetering to the athievte's Superstitions? Describe @ betveenehelves telk that you have always remem- bered and what results it brought from the team that heard ite Outline your procedure of 4 pregame talk Situation and how you would handle your own team before you send them on the floor. Give your choice of the peem that you think vould most fittingly grece the walls of your team's dressinz room. | PHYSIC. EDUCATION COURSE 60<¢ - BASKET BALL. (For men) 1937 ASSIGNMENT VI Chapter VIII Motivetion. REFERENCE: Better Basket Ball incorporating Technique, Tactics and Tales. | , Outline an ideal program using the mimetics of basket ball as the necessary motivetion for teaching basie fundamentals to gunior high school .boyse Do this in a 750 word treatise. Chapter IX. The Dribble, the Turn, The Stop and Phe Pivot. REFERENCE; Better Besket Ball incorporating Technique, Tactics and Tales. le Describe the tro types of dribble used by players and ine. dicate when they are used. | , e Describe the techni ue of dribbling. 3. Hor should the dribbler draw the guard out of position? 4. Describe the alternate usé of hends in dribbling for the best accomplishment. Se How sheuld stops turns end pivots be taught to obtain the best results? : Ge How can the dribbler »rotect the ball from an attacking guard? 7 What is a screen? What is a block? Give definition of eache 8. How fer back from the dribbler should the trailer be? 9e Describe the position of the feet of a pivoting player: who executes his stops and turne Correctly. ee 10. Where there is no set Screening on a play and where tro oitensive men are working the ball into the basket against one derensive men what strie of offense Should the two offensive men use? PHYSICAL EDUCATION ~—« COURSE 60 BASKET BALL _ (For Men) 1937 ASSIGNMENT VIII Chapters X and XI, Shots, Held Balls and Passes, REFERENCE: Better Basket Ball incorporating Technique, Tactics and Ta les & 1. Define the theory of perfect offense, 2. What is a camera eye in basket ball? 3. What is a "poker-face" passer in basket ball? 4. Who was Blind Boone? why are certain players called Blind Boone? 52 Deseribe the blind=fold test in basket shooting, 6, Describe the one-arm overeshoulder hook pass, 7. How should the offensive player alight after making an. overshoulder hook pass? : | 8, How does offensive player follow his advantage after completing an over=shoulder hook pass? ?o Describe the alternatives if the hook passer is confronted with a near=invincible guard who happens to be too near to the hook passer, | 10, How do you make passes easy to handle? Amplify. PHYSICAL EDUCATION COURSE 60