PHYSICAL EDUC:TION COURSE 60-¢ BASKET BALL (For Men) 1937 PRELIMINARY STATEAENT The texts to be used in this course are the following: ng Technicue, Tactics and ee /@ YW e New York. Spaldinge’s Official Basket Ball Guidé for the current year. The text by Allen may be purchased from Roviland*s Book Store or from Ober's of this city. : In addition to the assigned texts and articles the student is urged to evail himself of all possible extra data thet is within his réache Tt would be advisable during the progress of this course for the student to refer constantly to some reliable athletic journal for extra material to aid him in broadening his know. ledge of the subject. The Athletic Journal and the Scholastic Coach is e fine source of material for @ll seasons. The American Physical Education ieview and Ting and Body are other splendid magizines Jor this pruposee In addition to the above there are other worthy ones, some of vhich you m&y prefer. All references mentioned in this end in Succeeding lessons are merely suggested and not recuirede LP