PHYSICAL EDUC:.TION COURSE 60-c Baske? BALL (For men) 1957 ASSIGNAENT Ve Chapter VII. Morale or Esprit de Corps. REFERENCE: Better Basket Ball incorporeting Technique, Tactics and Tales. : 1. Define Morale or Esprit de Corpse | 2. Give an example of such from your own athletic experience. Se Is Esprit de Corps necessary to €@11 winning organizations? How do you develop it, through fight always or through jesting and fun with relaxation? Why 1s number 13 considered lucky or unlucky? Do you believe in cetering to the athievte's Superstitions? Describe @ betveenehelves telk that you have always remem- bered and what results it brought from the team that heard ite Outline your procedure of 4 pregame talk Situation and how you would handle your own team before you send them on the floor. Give your choice of the peem that you think vould most fittingly grece the walls of your team's dressinz room. |