PHYSICAL EDUCATION COBRSE 60-¢ BASKET BALL (For men) 1937 ASSIGNULNE XIf Chapters XVI, XVII, XIX. Offensive Plays from Out of Bounds and a. Center REFERENCE: Better Basket Ball anGRE POT ab ANE Technique, Tactics and Telese | lo Explain the tip-off lanes and your System of signaling one a “plays 20 Explain whet signals are necessary for out of bounds plays. Also give five out of bounds plays thet should eves scoring = tiles for the offense. Se Diagrem two set offensive plays against a zone defense. Also explain how and when the men move to their respective positions. : 4. Ina four hundred word article explain the evolution of the defense. 6. Wrtie a five hundred word article on the special defensive Situations wnat & coach should drill his teams upone — ASS TGNME SIT apter The stretified Transitional Van-fore-lian Defense with the Zone Prine REFERENCE: Better Basket Ball a Technique, Tactics and =e Write one thousand words on the stratified transitional man-foreman @efense with the zone principle, beginning with two offensive men against one de.ensive man and build up anbil you have completed the entire set. ' up of Live oliensive men ageinst Tive defensive meno