PHYSICAL EDUCATION COURSE 60cc BASKET BALL | , {For Men) 1937 ASSIGNUENT XIV. | Ghapter XVIII. Emergencies. - REFERENCE: Better Basket Ball incorporating Technique, Tactics and Tales. . ene | de Name some of the most commonly used and the moat reliable antisepticss 7 e | . my 20 What is the best method of eredicating small pimples ana tiny so called boils? : : Bo When boils are eaused from other things then unsanitary athletic - @quipment what precautions shoula be followed? . : 40 Write 500 words on the proper care of the feet both previous and therapertice eee oe | 5. State technique of Stopping nose bleed. Se What is nervous indigestion? | 7 What is catarreh of the throat? How treated? 8. Whet is a good flu prevenative? 9. Give trestment for cold sores on lips. . 10. Describe the so-celled athietie heart o