The College Physical Education Association December 31, 1940 REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON THE CONTRIBUTION OF COLLEGE PHYSICAL EDUCATION TO NATIONAL PREPAREDNESS I. The Problem for Physical and Health Education It is not only for war that this nation is preparing. Indeed if it were for war alone our efforts might well be directed only at the process of preparing men for military service. Our college programs than might become more ow cut, more precise in their nature. But the evidence of recent months points to a greater scope of this preparedness, a broader and deeper purpose. It is not implausible to believe that now once again free men are preparing to defend their freedom. If this be so, it now becomes imperative that whatever impact our programs of health and physical education are making upon the development of men who cherish this freedom must now be intensified. This intensification will require a complete mobilization of our energy, strength, and wisdom to the end that each college student will reflect in his every act sound health and an appropriate physical education as important assets in the defense of this democracy no matter what may be his part in it. The American college and university plays a significant role in the drama of the preservation and development of this democracy. Our college presidents are chosen for key posts in government. Our professors are an integral part of our national community life. Science and industry in America find progress through experimentation on our campuses. The college man of today ranks with the best of our leaders tomorrow. These things being true, the ultimate, the imperative necessity of looking to the quality of the college experienoe is inescapable. If this nation is faced with an emergency bordering on or involving war it is the quality of men and their ideas which will turn the tide. It has always been so and there is no reason now to believe that free men cannot preserve their frecdom by their ow strength. We pride ourselves upon our democracy. We allege that we know what our democratic