DE freedem is and how it is to be preserved. Our allegations now must be established and we in physical education aro called upon to show clearly our relationship to a college education which produces an educated, informed, strong, and urbane citizen of a democracy. Our programs must contribute to this democratic way of life as surely as any othor aspect of tho college curriculum must contribute. We deal with programs of health education and physical education. These two, particularly the latter, have always been used by national movements and by govermments as tools in the achievemont of social or political ends. It is fitting that they should be so uscd now. Whatever kind of a program we have in our respective institutions deserves today an examination to seo whether it is good in terms of democratic purposes, whether it has outworn features of former disciplines, whether its structure in itself is a living demonstration of equality in opportuni- ty and whether it is educational in the fullest and best sense of that word. With this point of view in mind and to those ends your committoc has a serios of recommendations to make. They are not all of equal pevbints nae are they all new. Thoy are presented to the membership of this Association, however, with the hope that they will be adopted and find their translation in existing college and university programs. The recommendations will be presented in groups the first of which pertains to: iz. National Organization and Legislation It is recommended: a» That the College Physical Education Association through its Executive Committee initiate, or cooperntea in the establishmont of a joint committee on the contri- bution of health education, physical education, and recreation to preparedness fusing the activities and the influence of the American Association for Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, the Society of State Directors of Physical Education, the American Student Health Association, the National Collegiate Athletic Association, the American Academy of Physical Education, the National