pe 9 f. It That colleges and universities through appropriate agencies keep the vital statistics on college students necessary to supply the nation at large and the War Department in particular with accurate information concerning the health status of such youth. Ix. Professional Training eect eee Oe eR ern eee is recommended: That institutions possessed of an appropriately qualified staff make a special effort to include in the physical education professional curriculum sertin in the organization and conduct of recreational activities suitable for military camps and defense industries. That, wherever desired ond feasible, college physical education departments offer their facilities and staffs to responsible military authorities for the ostab- lishment of short course training centers in physical education, health educa- tion, ond recreation. That Reserve Officers residing in the community and awaiting call to duty be invited to meke use of the facilities and library not only for purposes of physically conditioning themselves but also to provide them with training in the conduct of recreationsal activities. That the Association through its President urge the War Department for its program of recreation and physical peek th) to avail itself only of qualified end trained physical education and recreation leaders; ond (b) to endorso no national program of physical fitness incompatible with the experience of the established professional leaders in physical education in this country. That the Association, through its President, Executive Committee and members make every offort and exhaust every means at its disposal to maintain the integrity of health and physical education in the schools and colleges of the nation, to maintain the standards of professional preparation on their present