a, \ ome ne RCRAFT- CORPORATION: GENERAL BFEPLE ES! 11-7 WEST. NINTH STREET CABLE ADDRESS "'TIMMAERO”’ + LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA January <1, L944 Dear Doctor: Don't faint - because this is not really a letter from the dead, so to speak, I know that I seem to be a very weywerd and errent Corres- pondent, but so darn much has been hapvening since I last wrote you thet I haven't really had sufficient time to settle down and try to send you a half-way decent missive, I guess the best way to 'let you know! about me is to start from the last tie I wrote a letter to you, As you may recall, 1 was teaching in the physical education department at the University of California at Los Angeles, Well, in the late spring, just before the school year was up, the assistant football coach ssked me if I would like to be his head Counsellor for his summer boy's ranch camp, Naturally I said "yes", So during the summer of 1941 ~ I was on his ranch, which is lécated about 200 miles north of San Francis- Co, I had charge of overseeing all of the activities for his 'charges' and seeing to it that the other counsellors did their job, It was really @ marvelous experience, as we had all kinds of facilities for recreation, Horses, swimming, boating, mount*in hiking, and trips way up into the for- ests of the 'Redwood Empire', But all good things must end, so back to Los Angeles we Came, I resumed my teaching for the second year at U.C.L,A, and was really enjoying my duties very much, : Just before the end of the Fell semester (Jan,-1942) one of the other department instructors told me of a place where I might be able to pick up some extra money by working nights, The 'place' is the firm on the letterhead, It seems they wanted a man to handle their First Aid work for industrial accidents on the Swing shift (5:30 PM to 3:00 AM), I went out to the firm's plant and was intervieweé to some length by the Employment Manager and the Director of Industrial Relations who finally said I could have the job, The reason for the need for the night First Aid man wes thet the company was just in the first throes of a long-range expansion progrem, and the guards (who had formerly hendled ell of the accident cases) were mot able to teke on the extra work that wes resulting.