Lawrence Public Schools CLIFFORD D. DEAN, SUPERINTENDENT Lawrence, Kansas 18 August 1944 Dr. Forrest C. Allen University of Kansas Department of Physical Education Lawrence, Kahsas Dear Dr. Allen I am enclosing the correspondence you sent me which you have had with Dr. Mix. The matter has been call- ed to the attention of Ruben Fox, chairman of the bud-= get committee of the Community Chest. He tells me that the proper waf to ask for the placing of the Jayhawk Nursery project on the Chest list is to make app- lication in the approved manner. Blanks may be secured at the Chamber of Commerce office on which the desired information is listed. Since the dead line for filing was the 15th of August, it wotdd seem that there is no chance of getting it done this year. As to the poss- ibility of having the money allocated from the Nation- al War Fund, that is a different matter and I have no idea as to proceedure on this. I'm glad to have been of some small service to you but doubt that anything has been accomplished. Please feel free, Dr. Allen, to call on me for help at any time. I'm always glad to give a hand to your efforts as it is always something very much worthwhile, With the best of personal regards, I am Cordially yours, — at te Clifford D. Dean.