July 20, 1944. Dr. Ae de Hix, ad Huntsville, Ontaria, Dear Dr. Mix: I just received your communication of the 17th instant. In the next week or ten days I will make a survey of the key members of the Community Chest. I do not know what can be done because that sum is rather a staggering figure, I fear, for some of the members of the Chest committee. Before I go much further in this, however, I would like for you to write me and tell me what sia you raised from the faculty and what sum from the tom. I made a small contribution, but I do not know from what source the money came. I learned, did I not, that Henry J. Allen, or some source in the state, met tije same sum -that we raised. Twould like to know more about it so that I could present it in the best light. I am very sympathetic to this Jayhawk Nursery, | but I am afraid that many of the members will shy from it unless it is put up in the very best light possible. If the members of the Community Chest could be shown that there is quite an income or nearly enough to carry it over with an added incentive, I am not sure but what we could gain some friends. However, it will be a problem. I will do the very best that I can under the conditions. Trust that you are feeling well. Our regards to Mrs. Mix. Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, FCA: AH Varsity Basketball Coach.