MINUTES COMMUNITY CHEST Awe Y BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING A 14 y December 6, 1943 T. H. Aszgman, President, presiding Present: W. T. Allen Lisle Eby fit7 T, H. Aszman Ruben Fox A. W. Berger George Hedrick John Brand George Lowman Pearl Carpenter M. N. Penny Mrs, Caryl Dodds Mrs. A. B. Weaver A. #. Woestemeyer The meeting was called to order by the president, Mr. Aszman. He stated that the reason for the meeting was outlined in his letter which was mailed to the Board of Directors together with the. minutes of the meeting of November 19th. The Chairman of the Budget Committee, Mr. Fox, was called upon to present a picture of the overage of the National War Fund in two different ways: Plan No. ] and Plan No. 2. Mr. Fox remarked that Mr, Weaver favors Plan No, 1 and that the Budget Committee recom- mended and adopted Plan No. 1. After consideration and discussion, it was decided by common consent to abide by the motion which covered Plan No. 1 and which was adopted at the last meeting. Copies of both plans are attached herewith am become apart of the minutes on file in the office. Mr. Fox said he had received a letter from the Community Ser- vice League, a group which sponsors entertainment of the service- men, Signed by Mrs. Stockton as chairman and Mr. Woestemeyer as treasurer, requesting an allotment of $250.00 per month for the first ten months and $150.00 for the last two months, making a total of $2,800.00, Mr. Fox had canvassed the members of the Budget Com- mittee and they recommend to the Board that this request be granted. Mr. Fox moved that this request be granted, seconded by Miss Carpenter. Motion carried. The matter of the honor roll for the servicemen was brought up and Mr. Brand suggested that there were two plans to be considered for financing this project. One that an organization might be formed to conform to the Constitution. It was felt necessary that some action be taken to reveke the former motion of the previous meeting. Miss Carpenter moved, seconded by Mrs. Weaver, that the action of the Board, November 19th, be revéked : in connection with the erection of an honor roll, This action being as follows: "Mr, Woestemeyer moved that an appropriation up to #1,000.00 be made out of the Community Chest General Funds to finance the project". Motion carried. Mr. Brand then suggested that the Community Service League include in their project the building of such a sign board, or roster, and ask for the money from the Community Chest. ‘irs. Weaver sugsested that the $700.00 fire works fund be released in someway and used for this purpose. Mr. Prend moved that the President of the Community Chest im- mediately present a request to the governing body of the Merchants Bureau to erect a memorial roster to the servicemen in Dourlas Co. and that upon their acceptance of the responsibility, the 4700.00 fire works fund now in the Community Chest Treasury be paid to tir Merchants Bureau for the purpose. Seconded by Mr. Eby. Carried. Mr. Lowman moved that the vote be made unanimous on the above moti. Not car: ied, Mr. Brand read a letter from Dr. Allen from the Red Cross rela- tive to Christmas bags for the boys in sick bay at the University Naval Training Schoo},and it was turned over to Mr. Fox, Chairman of the Budget Committee, for their consideration and recommendation. Meeting adjourned.