_. BOARD OF DIRECTORS LAWRENCE CUMEUNIPS AUR ST Lenk favupey 91; 223e4 “Phe meeting was called to order by Mr. Lavery, President. Minutes of the last annual meeting were read by the Secretary and with one correction were approved as reads On motion by Woestemeyer, seconded by Mrs. Six, the Secretary was requested to write a letter expressing the thanks of the Community Chest to Mr. Weatherby for auditing the books for the year 1940-41. Mre Lowman read the report of the Budget Committee with the recommendations for allotments for the months of January and February, 1941, to the various agencies. On motion by Woestemeyer, seconded by Wood, the report was adoptcd. Mr. Lavery then expressed the appreciation and best wishes of tho Lawrence Community Chest to Captain Olin Brigman who is lsoaving the Salvaticn Army here to go to Emporia. The Secretary was requestcd to write a letter to the Chest in Emporia re- commending Captain Brigman. Mr, Lavery then stated that the next order of business was the election of officers and called for nominations for Presi~ dent, Walter Schaal was nominated by Woestemeyer. On: motion by Wood, seconded by Woestemeyer the nominations were closed and the Scérctary instructed to cast the vote unanimiously for MY e Schaale Mr. Lavery then called for nominations for lst-Vice Presi- dent. Mre Ae Ee Woestemeyer and Mrs. Caryl Dodds were both rominated and the Directors voting by ballot clected Mr. Wocstemcyer e On motion by Wood, seconded by Wocstemeyer, Mrs. Dodds wes nominatcd and roxelected Sccond Vice-President. On motion by Lowman, scconded by Mrse Six, George Hedrick yas re-elected Secretarye On motion by Lowman, scconded by Wood, Mre E~ Je Goy wo. nominated and reeelected Treasurer, Mrs. Dodds then talked to the Directors regarding “le March of Dimes Campaign and the President's Ball explainirs that the $420.00 taken by the Theatres for the March of Dino. “ag been sent to Kansas City and if half of it could be ccouncea es the contribution for this County then we could keep ali trs vrocecds from the President's Ball. She suggested that membcis of the Chest Board do what they could to bring this aboute On motion by Lowman, seconded by Wood, the Board unanimious | wont on record expressing to Mr. J. J. Lavery our appreciation “or his able leadership and untiring efforts in organizing anc directing the affairs of the Lawrence Community Chest for tno nast two yoarse There boing no furthor business the meeting was adjourned, ANNUAL MEETING Cf THE LAWRENCE COMMUNITY SHEST January 30, 1942, The meeting was called to order by the Presi- dent, Mre Je Je Lavery- The Secretary read the minutes of the last Annual Meeting which were approved as read. Mr. E. J, Coy, Treasurer, read his report which is as follows: Balance forward from last year $ 1818.99 Receipts to date 10854,.25 oe Dishursements 6451.45 Baiance on hand’ : & “622I581 On motion by Mr, Woestemeyer, seconded by Mr.-Wood, the re- port was accepted as read. The report of Mr. Weatherby's audit of the Chest books from November 1, 1940, to October Sl, 1941, was read, On motion by Aszman, seconded by Wood, the report was accepted and mado a part of this record. To Whom It May Concern; January 29, 1942. This is to certify that we have examined _the financial records of the Lawrence | Community Chest for tho fiscal year be~ ginning November 1, 1940 and ending Cetober 31, 1941, and find the reccipts as listed, amount to $11,165.33 - $44.50 ~ $35,00 redcepnosited) #11,085.33 andi that the receints agree with the bank deposits. : Cash Gisbursements as represented by canceled checks and-ovtstanding checks, total ($9,346.34 - $49.50 - $35.00; chocks- refunded) : $9,266 84 Leaving o balance on hand of #1,818.9¢ Distriprtion Sasn as above $9,265,551 Srsde : 49,50 Poo 16504 Distributed as foliows DOy ee i ake heen neeeesues sGapteD? GIT RESOLVES eeeceeeesecrerseceoeseceece 300909 Girt Sr0ubtS. ecoececcsaseevsssserscoeere B9°.93 Bima acerca nase ee oe eee reese ees oeeurosasg 7S e00 Salyation ArMYeoroceorereevereneerseses 2,997 - Sl Soctal Sorvice MOO~UC er esrecseeross2976 1,056.00 AH Club Fairoccoscecsnecsesecseossveeeen 500,24 christmas WUMCeeceeeeceeeesenserecss ss 1,200.00 4ctn July PuTiG oes cee ee OSCR OSE REO RL CH ae 7G0 .00 BGOmLinNL Strat lone ecnccvecesccees2sz0e99% ° 893-62 hae ert ee mm EE $Vc0L05 lt ‘The bank statement, reconciled, shows a balance of 7,818.99, which agrees with balance above. There are checks outstanding as follows: fe re LUSe vee eee bbb shee ee et eee e PLObe eee eeeeveeewacsereasves eo Jl Onbs ueeees60 640 00006 6004 gL Ho esvavensneceeseeseeeewés 3600 PLB s ono 00504 0d be he) 6440008 «50 SiG lest ecewesceseesstecnase #15 BEST occ ecaneeeeeceseeteae ct ane #100, aves 0400505064048 804 250 FLOQe oe eervenensvesevrecces edb oO sso been eeeeeeeen ee ees 047 HOGS ccc vecevbbs eeeees ee geeervece $20.28 R,spectfully submitted, Stanley House, Accountant Ee Se Weatherby, Supervising The president then ask for'a report by the nominating committec. Roger Williams, actirg chairman road the report of the committee nominating Dr. F. C. Allon, John Brand, Mrs. Deal Six and A. E. Wocstemoyeor as candidates for a threc-year terme On motion by Low- man. seconded by Aszman, the report was accepted and by unanamious vote by those present the four presented by the nominating committee were duly clected. Tne meetings was adjourned. < ) : BOARD OF DIRECTORS LAWRENCE COMMJN!TY CHEST May 2:, i9h2 THose PRESENTS A.E* WoestemeverR Mraesé DEAL Six Ropert Wooo EeJe Coy JeJ LAVERY JeMe SANDERSON GeorGe LOWMAN Mrse AeBe WEAVER JOHN BRAND THE MEETING WAS CALLED TO ORDER BY MRe WoESTEMEYER, PRESIDENTe MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING WERE READ Bf THE SECRETARYsy AND APPROVEDe THe SECRETARY THAN READ A LETTER FROM Miss PEARL CARPENTER, STATING THAT THE GiRL RESERVE ORGANIZATION AS WELL AS THE Hi=Y WAS AILDENG IN THE COLLECTION OF WASTE PAPERe ON mMOT!ON BY MRe BRAND, SECONDED BY MRe WOOD, THE JOINT PLAN WAS APPROVEDe THE APPLICATION FOR ADMITTANCE TO THE COMMUNITY CHEST, FROM THE KeUs YWCA WAS THEN READ BY THE SECRETARYe AFTER A GENERAL DISCUSSION, THE APPLICATION WAS REFERRED TO THE BUDGET COMMiTTEEe Mre Wood, CHAIRMAN OF THE COMMITTEE TO RECOMMEND NAMES TO FILL THE VACANCY ON THE BOARD CREATED BY THE RESIGNATION oF Mre SCHAAL, SUGGESTED THE FOLLOWINGS HelWe KEENE, Eels Haynes, Hovey HANNA, JOHN ANDREWS, FRANK GRAYse OW MO TION BY MR» LOWMAN, SECONDED BY MRe LAVERY, THE UNANI™ MOUS VOTE OF THE BOARD WAS CAST FOR JOHN ANDREWSe THE REPORT OF THE BUDGET COMMITTEE WAS THEN READ BY Mre LOWMAN, CHAIRMANe ON MOTION BY MrSes WEAVER, SECONDED BY Mre Woody, ALLOTMENTS FOR JULY AND AUGUST WERE APPROVED® THERE BE!NG NO FURTHER BUSINESS, THE MEETING WAS ADJOURNEDe GEorRGE HEDRICK, SECRETARY JS