November 19, 1941 4 tir. de Js Lavery President Lawrence Community Chest Chamber . ; Lawrence, Kansas Dear Mr. Lavery, 7 Ielknowledge receipt of your post: card dated Nov. 18 telling me of the regular monthly meeting of the Chest Board on Thursday Hov. 20 at 4:50 pete es, as I heve ny Varsity basketball practise every efternoon at 4:30 ‘o'clock, I am never able to be present at meetings held at that time. I regret that I camot be present. Sincerely, 5 Director of Physical Education and Recreation FCA/pg Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach | (THIS SIDEN6RCARD IS FOR ADDRESS | Dr, F. CG. Alien TO BOARD OF DIRECTORS ~ LAWRENCE COMMUNITY CHEST The regular monthly meeting of the Chest Board will be held Thursday, November 20, at 4:30 p. m., Chamber of Commerce. The Budget and Finance Committee wiil make a report and allotments to the various organizations will be made. , I trust you will make every effor'tto be present. J. J. Lavery President." Comaunity Chest Workers = University Committeo 1941 The following porsons have beon asked to call upon you in your building in an effort to make your solicitation somewhat easior and more efficient; Ne Pe Sherwood Mrs. Ruth McNoir: Lawrence Woodruff A. Je Mix N. We Storer F, A. Russell Verner Smith Dean J. J. Jakosky Je Qe Jones Je M. Kellogg Ve P. Hessler Earl D. Hay Edward Brush E, 4A. Stephenson R. ©. Moore L. Re. Lauden Col. Js S. Dusenbury Ce Ge Bayles Raymond Crow Hallie Harris Oscar Ingle H, C. Tracy He. Be Latimcr Cs M,. Baker Miss Fay Moys Miss Florence Black Miss Wealthy Babcock Miss Maude Elliott R. He Wheeler Guy Smith Je Je Wheeler James Ke Hitt Dean P, B. Lawson Gilbert Ulmer Russell Wiley Dean D. ii, Swarthout Raymond Nichols Fred Ellsworth H, ©, Chandler Henry Werner Mrs. Flo Boynton Miss Hlizabeth Meguiar Leonard Axe Dean F, Te Stockton Wmne He Shannon Ce Me Clark Miss Mabol Elliott Miss larjorie Whitney — Dre O. Ow Stoland Miss Joico Stapleton Henry Shenk Victor Hurt i.e W. Davidson D. He Syencer Dean J. illen Recse W. We Desehner Miss Eerminea Zipple Miss Corinne Solt Ke W. Davidson IT. Cy Rythor Dean George B. Smith Fred Montgomery Bort Nash Harold G. Ingham John W, Ashton Lee Gemmell John Stutz Je We Twente John Be Virtuc Helon Wagstaff Ruth Kenney He Ee Bayles Bena Hill L, T. Tupy Margaret Anderson Dean F.e J. Moreau Je Be Smith Claude Hibbard F, 0. Russell Ruth Litchen Minnio S. Moodio Bernard Frazicr Dr. K, Ty Canuteson Jo D. Stranathan F. E. Kester (Dormitorics) Mrs. R, D, Montgomery (Battenfe1d) Mrs. Alma Brook (Corbin) Lirs FP. lie Stayton (filler) Mrs. C, BE, Esterly (Watkins ) Miss Carlotta ‘ellis (Templin) Deceuber 3, 1941. Mise Mildred Drew, I AMPONSe Comruni ty Chest WREW Building, Dear Miss Drew: _T am enslosing herewith $3.00 paid to this office on pledges to the Comunity Chests Sincerely yours, For Dye Fe Cy Allen, Chairman, University Drive for Community Chest. LAWRENCE Community Chest Budget 1941-42 Boy Scouts......$1,200.00 Girl Reserves. 100.00 Girl Scouts...... 700.00 Mia 175.00 KU YMCA as 950°00 Salvation Army 2,860.00 Social Service League... 1,050.00 4-H Club Fair 300.00 Agency Allotments...... $7 335:00 Shrinkage __... $ 408.00 Campaign Cost 375.00 Administration 450.00 Organization Expenses $1,233.00 TOTAL GHES! BUDGET... $8,568.00 Balance-en Aland “2.2... $1,704.56 Less Emergency Reserve..__ 1,000.00 Balance: To be applied on 1941 Ciiecr ee i ee $ 704.56 NEP Creo) BUDGET oo. ee ae $1005.44 COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES Christmas Activities......-- $1,200.00 4th of July Program........ 700.00 Acteare. (Old) $ 1,900.00 United Service Organizations Quota.......... $ 2,400.00 GRAND TOTAL. co ee ee $12,163.44 Where Your Donation Goes Social Service League The aim of the League is “To help the poor to help themselves.” For thirty years the Social Service League has served the needy of Lawrence. The efficient League Store, 905 Rhode Island, provides clothing and furni- ture to border-line cases at a nominal cost, and without cost to those unable to pay. So far this year the League Kitchen has canned over 12,000 quarts of produce for the tables of needy families. In the Sewing Room about 3,000 garments have been made or repaired. The Salvation Army Religious, character building, and relief work among the less privileged of Lawrence, is the three-part program of the Salvation Army. The Army building provides a place for religious worship where the leaders have an opportunity to urge better citizenship. Local people re- ceive Christmas baskets, emergency grocery orders, clothing and furniture; transients are helped with meals and lodging. Total attendance at Salvation Army meet- ings in Lawrence last year was 19,922. Boy Scouts of America Today the paramount need in national defense is the strengthening and invigorating of Democracy in the United States which is the aim of the Boy Scout move- ment. Lawrence with 11 Troops and 3 Cub Packs, has 350 Scouts and Cubs. Mare than a hundred edults are assisting. The Girl Scout Council Girl Scouting is a leisure-time, character building movement for girls from seven to eighteen years of age. There are nearly 300 Girl Scouts in Lawrence, and over 100 adults assisting in the work. The year-round program includes home-making, arts and crafts, sports and games, health and safety, community service and inter- national friendship. Where Your Donation Goes Hi-Y Club This high school organization endeavors to interest boys in living worthwhile lives. Religious and vocational talks, and conferences, form the basis of the program, which has other projects such as participation in safety campaigns, distribution of Christmas baskets, regional conferences and summer camps. Girl Reserves This character-building organization for high school girls is designed to build body, mind and spirit, thru de- votionals and group meetings. Subjects discussed in- clude: ‘“World Relationships,” ‘Boy and Girl Relation- ships,” “Giving,” “School Life” and? ‘Family Life.” The Girl Reserves operate a book exchange, distribute Thanks- giving Baskets, and promote closer acquaintance thru Suppers and picnics. University Y. M. C. A. Four hundred and thirty-eight students are members of the University of Kansas Y.M.C.A. which has as its program this year religious activities, cooperation with local and campus agencies, and freshman orientation. Five Bible study groups will be held and members in- terested in the underprivileged will cooperate with the local recreational center. 4-H Club The annual Fair of 4-H Clubs provides a place where the sons and daughters in farm families can display their work and progress. This great program encourages these young people to be better farmers, farm wives, and citizens. Cash awards for winning entries at the annual fair provide an incentive to participate in the program. _ LAWRENCE Community Chest Budget 1941-42 Boy .Scouts:<. 2:91, 200.00 Girl Reserves. 100.00 Girl Seouts: 700.00 His ee. 175.00 KU YMCA... 950.00 Salvation Army 2,860.00 Social Service League... 1,050.00 4-H Club Fair 300.00 Agency Allotments..._.. $7,335.00 Shrinkage ...... $ 408.00 Campaign Cost 375.00 Administration 450.00 Organization Expenses $1,233.00 TOTAL Chest BUDGET... $8,568.00 Balance-on: Hand... 1. $1,704.56 Less Emergency Reserve.. _ 1,000.00 Balance: To be applied on 1941 Cec $ 704.56 ME le Cries BUDGLT 2 ee 1,003.44 COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES Christmas Activities........ $1,200.00 4th of July. Program:...... 700.00 Poise: (ola $ 1,900.00 United Service Organizations Quota.......... $ 2,400.00 GRAND TOTAL ost $12,163.44 ee em Ds sty oe de ot Dickey » Chas. 102 B. Diy, Wee Ward Subscribed: 2202 Paid an: CHSH oS 2 LAWRENCE COMMUNITY ACTIVITY FUND SUBSCRIBER’S RECEIPT The Lawrence Community Activity Fund Acknowledges with Thanks the Subscrip- tion of I herewith give to the I herewith give to the CHRISTMAS ACTIVITIES FUND FOURTH OF JULY PROGRAM Cash Herewith $. the sum of the sum of Balance Due eee gars Dollars May 1,.1942 3.22. Toe be paid: =. i To be paid: 3 Solicitor’s Signature Ol Cash Herewith ~Cash Herewith CL! On May 1, 1942 Stine tigen es mye neta ce sree egorce cocoa oetoeo scons er eoeo one oC eae Oooo ooo 8G Oo Oo eee eeeeeerees eh ese 0 86 te eee ae Dickey » Chas. ob 2 ee ; SUBSCRIBER’S RECEIPT : The Lawrence Community 102 B. SOUHCTINe .Chest, Inc. acknowledges with Thanks the Subscription of Pei i oo flat (f ae : oe For fiscal Nov. 1, 1941 t I promise to give to the ge will be distributed oo Oct. 81, 1942 , ng the groups listed below: Amount Pledged $s LAWRENCE COMMUNITY CHEST he eof Cash Herewith $2. oe ) Sane Pe oy Scouts for the fiscal year ending Oct. 31, 1942 Balance Due Girl Reserves Dates Payable “22s Do Not Write in This Space = eee ee ee To be paid: fa | Paid | Balance Girl Scouts (] Cash herewith Mey Se Solicitor’s Signature UNDER THE C) Quarterly BG A eae AND STATE INCOME TAX LAWS: ~ A te eee Salvation Army on tah eee A CORPORATION may deduct for its Community Chest gift up to 5% of its net taxable income computed before deduction of such contribution. AN INDIVIDUAL may deduct 15% of his net income under the same procedure. ; Social Service League ____ =. Signature of Giver CoO Hae ee Signature of Solicitor fe sas ioe iia Community Chest LAWRENCE COMMUNITY CHEST October 29, 1941 To the University of Kansas Fanily of Faculty and Employees Dear Generous Givers: It is with a thrill of justifiable pride that I congratulate each one of you who gave to the second annual Lavrenee Community Chest Drivee Your most generous response enabled tho Mt. Orond contingent to go over the top with a big bang. This achicvoment is the second climactic yoar in suscession for use Solcahd You know the story of how we execeded our quota last yoar with a total subscription of 4§1554.50. Tho USO drivo in Lawronco duc to start this sumer wos postponed until fcoll, % /rogoy Bradshaw, Ge We —209— Russell, F, Ag —_—__—_—__ 209 Hoods Geos Je 3 Jones, Py Ee — Kellogg » de Me (4s Beal, Gece Me (AAO /a0) [ees | smith, V. F, (22 2) sed lager Fn OBL US Margate! Bush (i 7 ( (122 a5e a LAWRENCE COMMUNITY CHEST 1941-42 -Cheute 133353 - Solicitor e. Ua ee j e Wirns Received LAWRENCE COMMUNITY CHEST 1941442 Ke We Davidson Solicitor Ke Us Division Firms Goal Received Journalism 8 | Baker, Clarence Rand Céad Ryther, Thomas C, | _ Grr Pennock, Guy : / &&. aay | Dowers, Mrs. Gladys | ff ae Dennis, Mrs. Emma : , Stith, Be G. a Verburg, John F. ot Flint, Le Ne 2 O84 Daste, Verdun Rs 6 7 Ce ; oe prereset n. Mason, Horace 8 —_ Davidson, Ks We 8 3 ©. Olson, Winona 9 Beth, Elmer F.. 106 sa (Cand Munck ) Boyce, Richard 5 107