THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE October 24, 1941 ‘Watkins Hall : Dear Mrs. Esterly, I am returning herewith your check for $5.00 because I feel sure that it was not made clear to you that students were not to be solicited for the Commmnity Chest. We feel that the parents of the students no doubt contribute to Community Chest funds and we are not soliciting any of the students. If you yourself and some of your employees care to contribute to the Commmity Chest we will, of course, be very happy to heve your donations. I am sorry that we did not let you lmow gpecifically that students were not being solicited. I trust that you will return to the girls their contributions. Sincerely, Director of Physical Education and Recreation FCA/pg Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach WATKINS HALL ON LILAC LANE LAWRENCE, KANSAS October 24, 1941. Dre Fe C. Allen, University of Kansas. Dear Doctor Allen: I am sorry not to have a larger amount to send for the contribution of the girls at Vatkins Hall to The Community Chest Fund but more than one-half of this three dollars is my personal sifte Our girls are not financially able to do much of this sort of work. Ferhaps I have not stressed _the importance of the matter. Your own effort is certainly great and I am sorry not to be able to help more. Yours very truly, 8 v e Directore Repot J Pie y als oF ustre In Cishe bs O bobectol Sef fagent . nies a i sees ( (ax Were aere /3 gave V4 4? oo p2hu7 ae Li : a ee Z wit Ws 2 KY 2 auduere S/9Fl ovr 1940 «9 17/0 ALlpesatcd — Podge BO amniy lak EIQ nT vate Woof 577 = 55° aa ON A Game bet bel os: ig Al Popo lee Seats MO LER October 28, 1941. Mrs. €. 4, Esterly, Watkins Hall, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Mire. Esterly: I em returning herewith your second check to the Coumunity Chest Drive representing contributions by students the fund. I am sure that you will understand why we do © with to solicit or accept funds from students, and I you will explain to the girls how very grateful we ‘for their generous thoughtfulness. And too, we want to you for your splendid cooperation. With best wishes, I am gee Fs : Sincerely yours, Chairman, University Committee, Lawrence Community Chest Drive. WATKINS HALL ON LILAC LANE LAWRENCE, KANSAS October 24, 1941. Dear Doctor Allen:- This is merely a postcript to my note of this morning to let you know that when the girls in Yatkins Hall learmed how the collection had failed here, they came to the reseue so promptly that I have two more dollars to add to our contribution and em enclosing it herewithe Yours very truly, ob October 26, 1941. lirse Re dD. Battenfeld Halil, Lawrence, Kansas. eae Wea. Montgomery: We are very grateful to you for your generous contri- bution to the Commumity Chest Drive. I am returning to you, however, the money which I feel sure was contributed by the students living at Battenfeld Hall. The Community Chest officials do not desire to solicit or accept money from students, believing that their parents are doubtless contributing toe the Chest in their own commmities. I am sure that this creates more good will among the students, and I trust you will explain to the boys that while we are very gretatul te then for their gumresity, we dexive to return the money to then. We are retaining your check and that of Mr. Moots, who ee ee ee een pee Community Chest. With appreciation, I am - Very sincerely yours, Chairman, University Committee, Lawrence Community Chest Drive. Oetober 28, 1941. Deen F. J. Moreau, School of Law, University of Kansas. Dear Fred: We received your very thoughtful contribution, and I want you to know that we appreciate your giving very much. I realize the financial strain that all of us are facing. It is a real problem to know just when and how to give. This personal note is very sincere. Thank you, Fred. Very cordially yours, Chairman, University Committee, FCA: Az Lawrence Coummity Chest Drive. mig personal Tt might enable you to as” comseedy ahas ox eoune dhe leo othe less in this campaign for some of the multitudinous worthwhile projects that are constantly being presented to the University faculty. Very sincerely yours, | Chairman, University Committee, FCA:AH Lawrence Commmity Chest Drive. Encl. October 28, 1941. Mr. Claude Hibbard, Dyche Museum, University of Kansas. Dear Mr. Hibbard: Thank you very much for your kind letter of the 25th instant. Answering your questions as best I can, may I skate (1) that the $450.00 is for printed material + pamphlets, pledge cards, instructions to solicitors, pins, etc. Naturally there is a great amount of stenographic work that must of necessity be done. This entails the hiring of extra people to do this work and nobody could give their full time te this un- less they were paid for it. (2) The Y.W.C.A. asked not to be a mesber of the Commun- ity Chest budget family. They wanted to raise their own funds and handle it in their own way. Chairmen, University Cormittee, FCA: AH Lawrence Commmnity Chest Drive. October 25, 1941 Mr. Forrest C. Allen, Chairman - University Committee, Community Chest Drive Dear Mr. Allens Enclosed is a report and amount subscribed for the Museum of Natural History. All prospective donors were contacted. The circular received failed to answer all the ques- tions I encountered, not only from prospective donors, but from others on the campus as well. I was at a loss for answers to the following which were the major and common questions. 1. Who receives the $450.00 charged to "Administration" and why? Comment.—"There should be no cost for the adminis- tration of benefit work." 2. Why the $950.00 for the YMCA and nothing for the YWCA? Comment.—"The YWCA is far more active than the YMCA and I feel if anyone should be on the Community Chest Drive they should be. 3. How do we know our money is going to the organization or organizations we would wish to designate? Comment.—"The little circular lists eight organ- izations and states 'where your donation” goes! with the:clear understanding that it will be divided upon a percentage basis of need of each organization." I cited the sheet which on page 2 under Remember which definitely states “that donors may designate how much of their contributions they wish to go to each organization." Comment.—"On the subscribers card when the donors sign for amount given, 'they again sign away the entire amount to the Lawrence Community Chest, Inc.' and the card reminds again where the money goes and lists the organizations." "Tf I designate my subscription and the next person does not designate his or hers is it not understood that that donation is to be divided equally on the percentage basis between the eight ‘organizations? Will it be divided between the eight Mr. Forrest ©. Allen--Page 2 or will it be used 100 % for any organizations that do not meet their percent quota in the total amount collected?" I have enjoyed giving my time to the Community Chest drive, though I feel I could have done much better if I could have answered all questions or could have had individual cards for each organization so the subscribers would have known that their money would go where they wanted it to go. Sincerely yours, Claude W. Hibbard Sere TET ~ . r 7 > aT a er oe a a ~ = owe pS THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY ’ OF KANSAS RAYMOND C. MOORE, ; STATE GEOLOGIST AND DIRECTOR KENNETH K. LANDES, AIS Bho 7 Wb nehintane , Kanvee , ta tain siecle Z oe Bac cl st dena Sac fg ou? fp : | ens od, | Chel LAN? 00, nutteadss: | ge ange iar en giee ais: tia ty ba Sse Sian isha ad lta sa RN isd rs Se Bo Sar tye easy Dae tN le Met ian eas a aaa Soe ids Yk cay tae Prat EE vad i ait ee ot int Sah ee a a i em a a October 15, 1942. . Ure Co Ge Bayles, Superintendent, Buildings and Grounds. Dear C. Ge: scat aie tel ah ee es great ermy on the Hill in soliciting faculty and employees for contributions to the Community Chest. You refused last year, stating that you could not ask a donation from the people who worked for a small amount. But on checking with our committee it was deemed that everybody should be given an opportunity to subscribe, and mush to our surprise we found that many of these employees who work on a per diem basis gave in proportion to their as did the salaried — Therefore, we trust thet you will assist us this year. Very sincerely yours, Chairman, University Committee, FCA:AH Coummity Chest Drive. October 15, 1941. ‘Dre de He Nelson, Assistant Dean, The Graduate School. Dear Dr. Nelson: As A member of the University Committee on the Community Chest drive, I am wondering if it will be possible for you to help out with a radio appeal for contributions. On Monday, October 20, station WR EN is allowing us tine from 12:50 to 1 o'clock at noon for a speaker. I think it would be fine if you could present certain aspects of the drive at that time. Monday is the regular day for Rotary, and as I am chairman of the program committee it will be necessary for ne to introduce our speaker at Rotary. For that reason it will be impossible for me to take part in this particular broadcast. If you will not be availeble, perhaps you een suggest and work with some live wire here at the University who would do a geod job. | I am also asking Miss Seaman to arrange some time for us over station K F K U prior to Monday, and I would be very heppy if you and Sergeant Kellendar will work together on this. I shall let you know later about the time, after I have heard from Miss Seaman. Sergeant Kollender, I am sure, could present the USO slant. : I shall be happy to hear from you at your earliest convenience. Sincere ly yours, Chairman, University Committee, POAsAH - Community Chest Drive. PeS» I should have mentioned above that our time in the total of ten minutes will be perhaps one or two minutes. FCA. eeeeee November 5, 1941. Miss Mildred Drew, Lawrence Community Chest, WR EW Building, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Miss Drew: I am enclosing herewith some money and pledge cards which we have received here since the last time we sent money and cards to you. Money received on pledges: Meibe Gebdldime « 2 ce ttt cw oe + HO I EE eee 1,00 Mrs. Myrtle Steaubas . 1. .«ssesceeve 1.00 Smmaee Bedell «we ce st et te ts 400 New pledge (no card filled out): We. T. Stout ~ pledge and cash . . « « e 1.00 Pledge cards: Charles Wolfson . . « « «ss e « ($2.00) ie B. Latimer ~ cash herewith .....+. 5-00 ° ® Total cash enclosed ...«+s+s+2seseee 8 I am also enclosing pledge cards which have been returned to me with certain notations which you may like to have for refer- Ones es Sincerely yours, Por Dr. Forrest C. Allen. LAWRENCE COMMUNITY CHEST BUDGET Girl Scouts ae oe ee eS ee a $700.00 Hi-Y oS 2 eS eS Se eo ee Se ee Oe Se 175400 Mir Nepervos « 4 & 6 «© % 100,00 oer Se0uts »« «+ © we He * ee dgeOOyOO mocis, Gervice Lemus « s «« «© « 14050400 Obavecien Army 46 st eh 4 2190.00 Oe Clu TOI bb ek eee 8 500.00 Chest Budget $6,315.00 cg ee ee Campaign Costs i. -* 2.6.8 & & Rriaeeetion 6 i 4 6 eb ks be Chest Total se RT SS aR gee Led Gormuit:: Activities Crpietmae@ Activitics »« + « es « 1,200.00 4th of July Prograin ee &¢ @ @ « @ 2 700.00 Activities Total 1,900.00 GRAND TOTAL e 2 & @: 6 «aw Ss $9,446.00 WREZ Dullding, lLowrenge, Tansase Dear lise Drew: ts letiecling Un Sothntns Ceca Gen pledge carxds end money: Pe Te Amstute « 2 oe © so so © 216900 Ae Me Ookorblad esses 2200 Cash on pledge already mde: He Ne lOOOUP oc eee eeeee B_0O oe MS a A AOD Total cash enclosed « «a @ « & 29900 For tre Pe Ce Alletc November 10, 1941. In our conversation one Sunday @s we drove along it was your opinion that everybody should be given a chanse to give to the Commnity Chest. I am sending to you confidentially additional mames of persons who for various reasons have not availed Chairman, University Comittee, PCAsAH : Lawrence Comaunity Chest Drives Nevembor 16, 1941. Miss Mildred Drew, Lawrence Commmnity Chest, WR E OD Building, Lawrence, Kansase Dear Wiss Drew: I am enclosing the following new pledges to the Commmnity Chest which have just been reported to this office : We We Davis we es ee soe Olin Be Roark « « «© » 2» « Malden Gibson » « « « « « Paid pledges herewith eo @ eo @ & 8 200 Ee 0». Stene (due NOV e 1) e Paid on pledge to Community Chest (or USO): Alf Oleson « ee ee ee ee oe 1.00 Total cash enclosed « « « « « « $14.00 Sincerely yours, For Dre Forrest C. Allene Pete Fa. op ue. 94 » LIS tap ei oo ‘ye Foe pe AWt~ Lae £— ere He 7 1H Fale a0 he ak raIP LO ar Ee tee en le me Ms 7 EA a oe ty peta cite. Se * SEMA reETRse testy R ote Ne Fe November 18, 1941. Miss Mildred Drew, Lawrence Community Chest, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Miss Drew: I am enclosing the following new pledges to the Community Chest which have just been reported to this office: We We Davie « «© 8 0 6 6 & + @ @ & $7200 Olin Be Roark « «ce ee oe se © @ 2600 Malden Gibson « «+ e«e-ec2e 2 @ 4,00 Paid pledges herewith « « « ° Ee 0. Stene (due Nove 1) eee 2200 Paid on pledge to Commmity Chest (or USO): Alf Oleson «e «es ee ee ee eo 8 1.00 fotel cash enclosed .« « « « « « $14.00 Sineerely yours, Por Dr. Forrest C. Allen.