October 26, 1941. lirse Re dD. Battenfeld Halil, Lawrence, Kansas. eae Wea. Montgomery: We are very grateful to you for your generous contri- bution to the Commumity Chest Drive. I am returning to you, however, the money which I feel sure was contributed by the students living at Battenfeld Hall. The Community Chest officials do not desire to solicit or accept money from students, believing that their parents are doubtless contributing toe the Chest in their own commmities. I am sure that this creates more good will among the students, and I trust you will explain to the boys that while we are very gretatul te then for their gumresity, we dexive to return the money to then. We are retaining your check and that of Mr. Moots, who ee ee ee een pee Community Chest. With appreciation, I am - Very sincerely yours, Chairman, University Committee, Lawrence Community Chest Drive.