October 15, 1941. ‘Dre de He Nelson, Assistant Dean, The Graduate School. Dear Dr. Nelson: As A member of the University Committee on the Community Chest drive, I am wondering if it will be possible for you to help out with a radio appeal for contributions. On Monday, October 20, station WR EN is allowing us tine from 12:50 to 1 o'clock at noon for a speaker. I think it would be fine if you could present certain aspects of the drive at that time. Monday is the regular day for Rotary, and as I am chairman of the program committee it will be necessary for ne to introduce our speaker at Rotary. For that reason it will be impossible for me to take part in this particular broadcast. If you will not be availeble, perhaps you een suggest and work with some live wire here at the University who would do a geod job. | I am also asking Miss Seaman to arrange some time for us over station K F K U prior to Monday, and I would be very heppy if you and Sergeant Kellendar will work together on this. I shall let you know later about the time, after I have heard from Miss Seaman. Sergeant Kollender, I am sure, could present the USO slant. : I shall be happy to hear from you at your earliest convenience. Sincere ly yours, Chairman, University Committee, POAsAH - Community Chest Drive. PeS» I should have mentioned above that our time in the total of ten minutes will be perhaps one or two minutes. FCA.